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Five more minutes, I thought. 

Five more minutes until the bell rang for recess and I could get out of the class I hated the most. One thing I hated the most about school; rude teachers. I was currently in my history class with the rudest teacher I've ever met. I wasn't one to disrespect authority, but do you know how many times I wanted to throw a knife at her?

I checked my phone and saw that only one minute had gone by. Ms. Q was still lecturing while my mind wandered off to my sushi doodle next to my notes. I rested my head on top of my hand and sighed. A little too loudly I must say, because it caught Ms. Q's attention.

"Eleanor!" she yelled. My head snapped back up and my eyes widened.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered. As much as I hated her, I was also afraid of her.

"Why do you never pay attention in this class? Is this how you are in all of your classes? I feel so bad for your teachers because yo-"

She was interrupted by the bell and I have never been so relieved in my life. I frantically gathered my things and ran out of the door. My chest began to hurt as I rushed to my next class. The wind was blowing the same way I was running so it made my hair fly in all sorts of directions and block my view. I heard something drop so I stopped running. It was my phone. My iPhone 5 that was covered in scratches with a new crack across the screen.

I picked it up, stuffed it back into my pocket, and continued my journey to my next class. I arrived at my next class, science. I walked to my assigned seat and sat down. I pulled my phone out and examined it. My eyebrows furrowed as I examined the back. The camera lens were cracked. I sighed. How could this day get any worse?

As I was being miserable, I heard footsteps come up behind me.

"Wow, you're fucked," a voice said as she laughed. It was my best friend, Shyla. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, tell that to my parents," I huffed.

She pulled up a seat next to me and nudged me.

"So, have you told him yet?" Shyla asked.

"Told who?" I turned my head and curiously looked at her.

"You know who. That guy that's been so madly in love with you," she teased.

Darren. A guy that always reeked of body odor who was a grade above me and constantly made people send his love letters to me because he was so afraid to even speak to me. It was really creepy, to say the least. He always ended his letters with "I love you" even if I've never met him before.

"No, I didn't tell him. I don't even want to go near him," I said and shiver with disgust.

His latest love letter contained an invitation to be his date to this banquet the freshmen and sophomore classes were doing. I wanted to go, but not with him. Or anybody. Just my friends.

"Well, he won't stop asking until you give him an answer, E" she raised her eyebrows and pointed to a piece of paper and pencil. I shut my eyes and sighed.

"Okay.. Okay," I said and picked up the paper and pencil. "I'll give him my answer, but you're giving the letter to him."

"Whatever you want, best friend," she smirked. She leaned back into her seat, crossed her legs, and placed her hands behind her head.

I wrote the date on the right hand corner and the bell rang.

"You better finish that before lunch," Shyla exclaimed as she rushed out the door.

Students began piling into the room. My seat buddy was a girl named Cristal. She reached to about the middle of my neck in height and she was one of the smartest kids in class.

"Hey!" She smiled as she took a seat next to me.

"Hey, Cris," I smiled back at her.

"How are you?" She asked.

"Uhh, I'm okay. Today could've been better," I mumbled.

"Aw, what happened?" She said with a comforting voice.

Before I could answer her, our teacher clapped a beat to get the class' attention and began her lesson for today.

Later, I mouthed. She nodded and we gave our attention to our teacher.

After spending an hour and a half learning about cells, the bell rang for lunch.

"So what were you going to say earlier?" Cristal asked. I had completely forgotten about her conversation earlier.

"Uhh.." I felt my phone vibrating and it was Shyla. The letter!

"Actually, I have to do something really important, but I'll text you. Kay?" I said as I quickly gathered my things.

"Uhh, alright.." She murmured. I sent her an apologetic smile and speed walked out of the room.

I pulled my phone out and answered the call.

"Uh, hel-"

"Where are you? Did you finish the letter?" Shyla screamed.

"No, bitch. I was actually paying attention in class," I said as I rolled my eyes. I started walking to our usual lunch spot.

"Good! Because I wrote the letter for you and I already gave it to him," she said. I could tell she was smiling on the other end. She was annoying, but she was a great friend.

"Really?! Thanks, Shy!" I exclaimed. My day suddenly got better.

"I'll see you at the spot," she said and we hung up.

On my way to the spot, I did my daily bumping in the hallway. Bumping as in bumping into people because the hallways were too small and there were too many people. I'm surprised I haven't had a bruise yet. I always took the right side of the hallway because there usually weren't many people just standing by their lockers and blocking the way. I was halfway to the spot until I came up to a guy who was blocking my way. His back was to me and he was talking to someone. He was a couple inches taller than me, with jet black hair. He was wearing a teal shirt and plaid shorts. A weird combination. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around. He had glasses and the cutest little nose. I've never seen him around here before. Usually, this school has students coming from the middle school down the street, but I knew he wasn't from here.

"Oh, uhh, excuse me," I said shyly. He smiled and moved out of the way.

I thanked him and walked away.

He's kind of.. cute, I thought. I looked behind me and saw that he was looking at me and walking towards me. I quickly turned my head back and my eyes widened.

What the fuck?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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