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((Hey guys so here u go I hope u like it also the hidden Easter egg or sentace was we don't understand each other that much alone.   Sry it's short)
                               Dreams POV
I was attacking nightmare with my bow making sure he was taken down as I saw ink attacking error and blue attacking dust.I kept trying to stop nightmare as I heard a machine sound as if something was turning on.We were in one of the forgotten labs or so I forget names,but as we heard a machine as the floor shook and rumbled.I try to keep balance but something was stopping it as I fell into a full put darkness as I blacked out from something I didn't see.
                           Nightmares POV
I was fighting dream my stupid brother as always as I heard a weird sound.I looked around as the floor was shaking then I saw dream flat out faint or pass out.I stared them I saw error go down as I fall  on my hands and knees I tried to get up but I was soon seeing darkness has arrived as I have passed out to.

-Timeskip brought to u by a pink goopy nightmare-

Dreams POV
I woke up from the darkness,but I squinted my eyes to the light.I looked around for ink,but no such luck on finding him,but I saw a tentacle glitchy guy.I looked at myself as I saw different clothes on me.'Did some one change me in my sleep' I thought for a moment confused and creeped out as I went to the glitched out guy.I flipped him over looking at him blushing"who...r you.....why do u look familiar"I stared at him as he stared me he said something"what was that"I asked him

"I'm.....I'm....."to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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