chapter three: a small back story

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it didn't take long for the rest of the 'black tongued wusses' to run away leaving the injured boy behind. I scoffed. I picked up his limp body. he was still alive but barely. he was lucky I knew basic autonomy. annoyed at his stupidity, but not completely heartless I carried him up to one of the many rooms in the mansion. I had to give it to him, the kids got guts just not the strength or brains to go with it. laying him on the bed I left the room to call a doctor. no wait " crap! there are no more doctors everyone in the city left." angry I stormed back into the room. I had promised myself I would never use my powers on a living being again but I couldn't let someone of my own kind die. there are so few of us left already.

   sorry I guess this whole time I haven't explained anything. I come from an extinct ( supposed to be extinct) group of people called thoren. we were like the wizards of modern day but no one was to know of our existence that's why we stuck to the shadows. unfortunately the thoren are an extremely powerful people and often times their own power would consume them and we would have to kill them or wait for them to kill themselves. I was smart enough to barely ever use my powers so worrying about being consumed by power never concerned me. actually that's more of a lie than the truth. I never actually new about my powers until the age of seven. there's something else I forgot to mention, all thoren are supposed to be men except one. me. roughly every 1000 years a female thoren is born. this birth is random and unpredictable. the only problem is that this thoren has the power to end existence. all existence. weather its one planet to the entire universe . l, being born with this terrible fate was worshipped by the thoren but never knew why.  the council of thoren decided that it would be best that I didn't know about my powers so that they could not consume me like everyone else. but on one dreadful day I was walking along the edge of the subway and a group of thugs ought it would be funny if they pushed me. weak at that age, I fell right into the path of an oncoming subway train.   defensively I put my hands my hands in front of me and braced myself for the end when a large amount of energy surged through my body and with out knowing I had turned the train and everyone in it to the essence of nothing. I had stood on the Sunday tracks shocked. I listened to the final screams of the people on the train and ever since that day, monster, murderer and killer was all i was known as. my friends and family abandoned me and I was left for read on the very subway station the tragedy took place. no one loved me and no one cared for the killer little girl left for dead on the side of the subway. aft that I decided not to let their expectations of me being a killer go to waste. I joined a gang who willingly took me in and made me strong. I never would have guessed that street thugs could be so kind. once I was strong enough I left into the world stick I to the shadows killing people to give them the same feeling of adrenaline surging through their veins before death. soon I was feared by everyone except the grand that actually loved me.

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