Chapter 1

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No ones pov

Trigger Warning: parents abuse their kid and mentions of self harm.

A girl around the age of 16 fixed her makeup as she jammed out to music. Her favorites played over the speakers.
"Cassie! Hurry up! We have to meet your father at the restaurant soon!"
Cassie groaned at the nickname. Her father got to name her so she was stuck with the name Christopher, to which her mother nicknamed her Cassie. She hated both names but in all honesty she liked to be called Chris. Chris threw up her hair in a messy bun, grabbed her flannel and Led Zeppelin wallet and ran downstairs.
Chris's mother took one look at her outfit and started to groan.
"Cassie! It's a nice restaurant!"
"Yeah that's why I didn't wear the falling in reverse Tees. You said something about being late?" Chris grabbed her camera bag on the way out and while they were in the car Chris's mom, Julia, started to pick apart her outfit one by one.
"-and come on Cassie! Those jeans? You roll them up too much, and they don't even fit right! And look how many holes you made in them. ARE THOSE FISHNETS UNDER YOUR JEANS?!"
"WHY MOTHER! WHY WOULD I WEAR FISHING NETS UNDER MY JEANS?! THATS CRAZY!!" Chris rolled her eyes and adjusted her camera, taking a photo of her legs and feet kicked up on the dash.
"Dear lord Cassie... why must you wear all black shoes? *mutters* god your just like your father."
Chris snorted and took a few photos while they drove by.
"Bill? Yeah right. He's a stuck up high class manager for a stupid frozen food company. He thinks he's god."
"Ah there's my girls!" A mans voice filled their ears. They both turned to see a man wearing a business suit walking up to them about to give them a hug.
"CREEPY PEDOPHILE ATTACKING!" Chris screamed and dodged the hug. People started to look at the three and started whispering.
"CASSIE DENISE WILLIAMS!" Julia screams at her daughter. She walked over to her and grabbed her arm forcefully.
"I don't want you to EVER use that language again do you hear me?!"
"да мам. этот язык лучше для вас?"
"Get your a double s in the restaurant right now Cassie."
"The names Chris Mrs. Williams." Chris said and walked into the fancy place.
The three sat in a tense silence. Well... the parents were fuming while their teenage daughter was happily eating a slice of pie. Right as Julia was about to open her mouth and scold her daughter for the hundredth time that night, a man wear a leather jacket and Metallica T-shirt walked up to Chris.
"Hey is that pie any good?" He asks her.
Chris gulps down her bite of pecan pie and gives the man a huge smile.
"Yup! Best in all the state! And trust me I have eaten a LOT of pie around here. OH MAN! I love Metallica!"
The man gave a smile that matched Chris's and held out his hand to high five her. She returned it and laughed.
"Oh my god...." Julia breathed out finally recognizing the man.
The dirty blonde turned his head and his eyes grew wide as he saw who it was.
"Julia Simons?" He asks.
"A-actually it's Williams now." She says. Chris rolls her eyes at the last name and just continues to eat.
"So how ya been Dean?" She asks. "Oh! Um this is my husband Bill and my-our daughter Cassie."
Chris stopped eating and looked at her mom.
"Julia. You just corrected yourself when you said my. Why was that?"
"Cuz you're not just my daughter. You also Bill's."
Chris snorted and threw her fork on the plate.
"I'm not that things daughter and no matter how much you feed me that lie. It won't come true." Her emerald green eyes flared at her mom in disgust and hate.
"Wow I think I just stepped in the middle of some family argument. I think I'll leave now though. It was nice seeing you Julia. Good meeting you Bill. You too Cas-"
"Chris. My name isn't Cassie. It's Chris."
"Ok then. Bye folks." He walked away from this extremely awkward situation and back to his table where his brother was waiting.
"Dude where were you?! You said you were asking about pie!"
"Dude. I just ran into Julia Simons."
"Julia Simons? The Julia?"
"Yeah... she looked great."
"Huh." Sam shook it off and soon the two men fell into their normal conversation.
Back at the table with Julia, Bill and Chris the three still weren't getting along. The meal ended soon after Deans visit and they all went home where Bill decided to get drunk and then decided to pick a fight. Soon raised voices and flying hands were happening until a certain males hand came into contact with the young females cheek.
"You...." his voice came out deep and a murderous tone underlined his words. "Will not speak to your mother and I like that. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" He shouted at her causing her to flinch.
"Y-yes...." her voice was small an uneven.
He walked up to her and shoved her into the wall, knocking over a few picture frames. Bill always got this way when he drank. Julia would just stand by and watch.
Bill got sudden bursts of anger and threw he beer bottle at Chris, it landed against the wall above her and a few large shards landed on her arms as she shielded herself from it.
Bill came over and started to repeatedly kick her in stomach, then punched her in the nose.
Bill yelled something to Julia then left the house.
Chris propped herself against the wall and started taking the glass out of her arms. When she got to a rather large piece she didn't throw it to the floor like the others. Instead she carved the words "why live" into her left forearm and then threw away the piece and went to go wrap up all her new wounds.

A/n: ok so this is my first SPN fanfic and I hope you like it! Forgive me for adding in the mentions of self harm in the first chapter but that's just how I made it. Please remember if you are feeling depressed and down that self harm is never the answer. Please talk to someone you trust like a parent or adult or a friend. You are too beautiful and amazing to be doing this to yourself. Thank you!


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