Chapter 13

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It is all there in my mind now.

Was it her?

Or Was it my illusion?

Did I really see her?

Or Was it a dream?

It's her or someone else?

If it's really her.....

What was she doing there?

Where she vanished from there?

But these wierd sensations in my body are not illusion right.

I felt it.

I felt her.

This cannot be a illusion.

This cannot be a dream.


This must be real.

Because my heart was racing like that never before.

That indicates it's her.

Oh my God!

I just saw my life.

I just saw my Piyu.

I am so happy.

I saw her after more than two years.

I wish I could meet her.

But I missed her.


I searched for her in the whole building of AJ and in the neighborhood also but she was not there.

I don't know where she went from there.

What will I do now?

Where will I find her?

Where should I go?

How to know where she is?


I have to see her.

I have to find her.

I cannot just sit quiet after knowing that she is here in the same city as I am.

I should begin to search her.


It's been one week I have being searching for Piyu but there is no sign of her.

I even waited outside the AJ's building so that I can see her if by any chance she comes there.

And no.....I didn't find her.

But I just couldn't give up, so now I started searching her in all the malls, CCD's, Starbucks, restaurants.....everywhere I could search.

I am still searching for her and it has been three weeks now since I saw her.

Now, I am beginning to think I must have imagined her.

I don't know what should I do now.

Actually, I didn't know her house or her address to directly go and meet her.

Heck! I didn't even know anything about her family and background to trace her.

Actually we never talked about our families or our backgrounds back then.

And she is not even active in any social media from starting itself so I cannot get any information about her from it.

If I had know any of these things earlier I would have found her two years back itself.

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