Chapter 31: Guide!

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Chapter Dedicated: elegant_niqabi
princessofmydad 👈☝👆


AsSalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu!


"Verily the Companions of the Garden shall that day have joy in all that they do; they and their spouses will be in groves of (cool) shade reclining on thrones of (dignity); fruit will be there for them, they shall have whatever they call for; 'Peace', a word (of salutation) from a Lord Most Merciful."
[Qur'an 36:55-57]

Subhan Allah 😍😍😍☝👆☝👆



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💕 My Heart yearns for a Rare Kind of Love

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💕 My Heart yearns for a Rare Kind of Love. 💕

💕 The Type of Love that isn't Perfect but Still it's Imperfections are Beautiful. 💕

💕 The Type of Love that Makes one Go Crazy. 💕

💕 The Type of Love where Small Fights and Arguments are Fun. 💕

💕 The Type of Love wear staying Away is the Biggest Punishment. 💕

💕 The Type of Love which Seems to be Only in Novels and Books. 💕

LOVE GOES BY MARRIAGE! ✔Where stories live. Discover now