Chapter 1

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Word Count:2698

Hello my lovely readers!(pls dont kill me) So i owe you guys some explanation and uhh the first two chapters are kinda short for me so i merge them into one and anndd add some more...I'll update the next chapter right away!! so uh welwillyoulookatthetimegottagofast

Seriously guys thank you for having the patience to read this! More loves to u all! <3


Your Pov

"This is it!!" I yelled hyping myself up in front of the school gates, not caring about the people staring at me weirdly.

They are many clubs offering me to join them 'Jeez, Its to crowdy here im only gonna join the basketball team and thats final' as i said into my head determined to find the said club

Moments later i finally found their table as im walking there i noticed a slight hint of blue passed by me 'huh what was that?' I shrugged maybe it was just my imagination.

"Hello! Im here to join the basketball club!" I cheerfully stated while staring at the girl who have a short brown hair 2 hairpins to fix her hair at that side and i noticed the pink whistle that is hanging by her neck like a necklace. My observation is that she is a coach of the basketball team

"Hai, please fill out this form uhhm.." she said while trying to guess my name.

"(L/N) (F/N)! Call me (Y/N) " i replied. "Ok (y/n)-chan! Im Riko Aida, call me Riko" She hands me the form. And i fill it out happily

3rd Pov

"Hey hey! Isnt she cute izuki" Said the boy with a cat like face to the boy with eagle like eyes. The boy that is named 'izuki' look at the girl who is happily filling out the form and told to his friend with a straight face "she is a-dora-bowl" while taking out a bowl that has a picture of dora in it. 'Where did he get that?' Most of the members sweatdropped at 'izuki'.

The pun didnt escape in (y/n) ears and erupted into a giggle that was music to the boys ears. "Pfft. That was lame senpai" the so called senpai blush and rub his hand at the back of his neck.

"Ne (y/n) chan, are you going to apply for manager?" Riko questions. "Oh no no im going to apply as a player" (y/n) said like it was nothing. They were shock at the very least but after they say something she stands up.

"Well see ya after school!" (Y/n) playfully wink at them that made the senpais awe at her. While leaving she came across a guy going to the direction at the basketball club table she notice that he is quite tall for a first year. She smirked. she is excited to meet them later.

As (y/n) leaves and kagami just got to the table he asked "is this the basketball club?" His eyes were the intensity of a wild tiger. "Yeah.." "h-here have some drink first and here fill in the form" he writes his name their and riko checked it. "You dont have a reason for joining?" Riko questions the man named Kagami Taiga.

After he finishes his drink and crumpled the cup and said "Not really." He pauses as he stands up "Basketball's the same, no matter where you go in japan" and he throws the cup into the trash can and landed perfectly there. They looked startled as he leaves.

"You forgot this form riko" said the cat face senpai. "Teiko Middle School? Why didnt i saw his face? "


The first years are now line up while waiting for them to start. "Hey isnt the manager cute?" "Isnt she a second year?" "If only she were a little sexier" the first years that talk about riko was hit in the head by hyuga

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