The napkin

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You get home from Chick-fil-A and before even getting off the car you grab the napkin with passion and need your best friends in these moments. You get down and FaceTime your best friends,Eliana( you call her Eli tho)
And Audrey ( these are my actual BEST friends btw every friend in all my story's are real life). You wait for them to answer trying not to peek. *they are taking forever ugh*. Finally they answer and you tell them the whole experience and they are astonished.
Eli; wow the most that's happen to me today is I found a quarter.
Audrey; lucky all I did was watch my little brother puke his brains out.
You guys laugh and giggle then immediately remember the napkin. You show the napkin to them and again..
Audrey;ooooohhhh you got Chick-fil-A!!!
Eli; ewwww there is a stain on it
You; Guys bigger picture here!
You start laughing again because y'all can't be serious but then you open it like a bandaid and it states...
Eli; the moment we been waiting for....
The napkin; Hay meet me at garland park this Thursday- Ethan
Audrey; Wow...what a charmer
Eli; Awww goals!!!
You; Ok then wasn't what I was hoping for..
Eli; can you describe to us how he looks like
Audrey; yeah and does he have a hot brother
You; well... he has a twin and I thi...
Audrey; /squealing/ yasssssssss
You; ok anyways he is kind of tall,cute,nice eyes
Eli; Dang
Audrey;so his brother must be hot then...
Y'all laugh and chat and wait to show them at school the next day.

Same outfit

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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