Chapter #7:

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Hello!! Thank you for getting this far! I'd like to shout out a few people!


Goatbro13 😊

AphileNtombela12 🤗

Walter030303 😉

Thank you guys for adding my story to one of your reading list! Now onto the story! I'll be sure to shout out a few people next time! Hopefully you guys agree that the book is getting more thrilling now that the boring filler chapters are out the door!


          I didn't get any sleep last night

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I didn't get any sleep last night. The pounding in my head didn't leave either when my alarm clock went off.

I pushed my glasses up and pushed the button on the alarm clock to turn it off. Letting out a yawn, I headed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, combed out my tangled black hair, and put it up in a messy bun. I threw on jeans and a t-shirt and went into the kitchen to grab a granola bar.

My mum made an appearance about 5 minutes later before I left.

"Hear the news?" She asked me while turning on the coffee machine. A coffee bean aroma soon filled the room.

"Yeah." I replied grabbing my backpack.

"Going to work today?" I asked my mum standing by the front door, ready to leave. My mum worked in a pastry shop down the road from here.

"Yeah. Mark wants me in," she replied yawning.

"Night shift?" I asked her and she nodded her head yes. Two guys owned the pastry shop and whenever Mark calls my mum in its always night shift. But whenever Sam calls her in its always morning shift. I opened the door and made my way to school.


To say school was a little different today would be an understatement. It was even quiet when walking through the school halls while switching classes. Signs were hung on the plain white walls that read, 'Rest in peace Faith'.

Lunch was probably the only place where I actually heard people talking. I grabbed a salad, paid for it, then sat at me and Clarissa's normal lunch table. I didn't really expect Clarissa to make an appearance at our table today since it was still awkward between us. But when I saw her sitting next to Trixie and the other bimbos, I felt anger bubbling inside me. But that soon vanished whenever a familiar blonde sat down next to me.

"Hey Mayah!" Natalie said cheerfully. I don't understand how she manages to keep a bubbly attitude. Especially since everyone is acting like they lost their best friend.

"Hey." I mumbled while I glared at Clarissa's blonde mass of hair.

"If looks could kill...." Natalie said smiling slightly as she tried to see who I was looking at.

"Hey Natalie!" I finally looked away from the bimbos to see 2 people sit at the table. Natalie's smile somehow got bigger as she looked at her friends.

"Hey guys. This is Mayah!" Natalie said, flicking her hand up as a gesture.

"Hey! I'm Joshua!" The boy said as he popped a French fry into his mouth. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes and was wearing a pink shirt with khaki pants. I waved and took a swig of my water as the other girl introduced herself.

"I'm Chloe," she said, tucking in a lose strand of hair that fell from her bottom bun. I waved at her.

"I'm Mayah, like Natalie said." I replied looking at both of them and giving them a genuine smile. I didn't know what it was about Natalie and her friends, but I was comfortable with them from the beginning. We talked the entire lunch period.

I ended up telling Chloe and Joshua about Clarissa and her friends. They understood me. It feels good to talk and have people listen to you. It feels good to have people who understand you.

I liked how Natalie was always so bubbly. She would crack a joke out of everything. I liked how she was so cool. She wasn't fake or stuck up like every other girl in this school was.

I liked how Chloe was gothic and didn't care how other people looked at her. I liked how she could make a conversation over anything.

Lastly, I liked how Joshua was the only boy in our group and didn't let it bother him. I liked how his eyes crinkled whenever he laughed. And his little snort whenever someone from Clarissa's table would look over at me.

When the lunch bell rang, I almost felt disappointed. I threw my lunch tray away and made my way to math class.

You could almost feel the sad atmosphere in every class you walked into today. I felt relived when the 8th period bell rang, signaling that school was over.

I grabbed my backpack and exited the classroom down to the school courtyard where the school fence was. I then felt somebody lightly tap my shoulder. Confused, I quickly turned around to face Natalie; Joshua and Chloe trailing close behind her. Chloe was doing something on her phone; Joshua talking to his boyfriend.

"Wanna hang out at your place after school?" She asked me walking on one side of me.

I thought about my mum being home drunk, or coming home drunk, but those thoughts soon went away when I remembered she was working night shift today.

"Sure. Are Joshua and Chloe coming?" I asked her as I pushed up my glasses.

"I don't think so. Joshua has a date with his boyfriend today and Chloe and her family are supposed to be heading over to their grandparents today.

"Oh." I replied yawning. I was extremely tired still, but I didn't know when my mum would have another night shift again so I didn't want to ruin my chance.

"Seems different without Faith here doesn't it?" Natalie said as we turned the road.

"Yeah. I guess it makes sense though, since she was in the popular group. Everyone knew her." I replied yawning again.

"Yeah. I guess. Everyone did seem to like her...." she readjusted the books in her arms.

"I don't know why. She was so basic," I replied rolling my eyes before continuing. "She literally piled her face with makeup and wore fake nails. They should bury the bloody bimbo at starbucks for crying out loud!" I gritted through my teeth.

Natalie let out a little snicker. "That would be a good idea." At this I laughed.

"I mean seriously. The girl lit- " I trailed off when I saw the sight of blue and red police sirens at my house. Natalie stopped walking and froze.

She looked at me with a wild look in her eyes.

"Mayah. They're here for me!" She said, her eyes going wide.

I laughed at Natalie's panicked expression.

"Why would they be here for you?"

My smile quickly fell at Natalie's words.

"I-I-I killed her Mayah. I killed Faith!"

Thanks for reading this part guys! We almost have 100 reads! Whattttt?! Haha.

Shout outs:





love you guys! Kissy kissy boo boo! 💗


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