We Dont Belong

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A/N this is dedicated to my parabatai @The_First_Fandom !! She's also gonna be another character later.

Marina's POV

*still at venue but after concert*

OMJ!! That was so amazing!! I can't believe that I finally saw bvb in concert! It was so cool too. They played all my favorite songs too. They played:

Devil's Choir

I am Bulletproof


New Year's Day

Perfect Weapon

Wretched and Divine

We Don't Belong

Days are Numbered

Done For You

Nobody's Hero

Lost it All

Shadows Die

Fallen Angels

In the End

AND ANDY SMILED AT ME!! I just wish I had VIP passes. I want to meet my heroes so bad. Sometimes they are the only reason I'm still living my life.

As I walked out of the venue, I stopped focusing on where I was walking and more on what was around me. There were posters of past bands that had played at this venue. Well, as fascinating as all that was, it turned out to be a terrible idea. I tripped over my own foot and went sprawling onto the person in front of me.

"Ugh" I muttered as I struggled to regain my balance.

"Oh Crap. Are you ok?" a deep familiar voice asked, putting a hand on my shoulder to help me stand. Yeah I'm a klutz.

I looked up and lost my breath. Oh goodness, I thought. ANDY BIERSACK!! I WALKED INTO ANDY!!

Out loud I said, "umm" 'great good start to a conversation genius' I thought again.

The guy in front of me smiled and laughed a little.

"Uh, sorry, yeah, I'm... good, yeah totally, uh, fine."

His little snicker turned into full on uproar of laughter. I stood there awkwardly waiting for him to finish.

"Sorry" he said, "it's just that you seem so confused and bewildered!"

"I'm glad my confusion causes you joy" I sarcastically said. He looked at me with new found awe.

"Whoa, no one I've ever meet at one of my own concerts that's obviously a fan has ever talked to me like that. I like it."

I smiled at this. " So what's your name? He asked.

"Marina Gates" I answered. " Don't worry I know who you are"

"Good. I'd be really sad if you didn't"

After some more chatting I went my way and Andy went his way. OMG he was so cool and nice. I can't believe I just had a conversation with one of my heroes. Ok, fangirl moment over.

*leaving the venue to go home*

I was walking home even though it was late at night. I'm totally fine walking by myself but it was about 11 PM and I just wanted to get home fast. Keeping my eyes trained on the sidewalk but my shoulders rolled back so I appeared confident- didn't want to get mugged- I race walked home. I was only 5 minutes into my walk when I felt a hand cover my mouth and an arm pull me sideways towards an alleyway. I started kicking and trying to scream when a gravely voice told me to shut up. I couldn't see my attacker because it was too dark but when he pushed me onto the ground next to the alley wall my concerns changed. Now I was flailing and crying out silently, for his hand prevented me from actually producing noise. He laid on top of me and used his weight to keep me pinned down on the ground. With his other now free hand he smacked me across my face.

" Shut up, you hoe if you know what's good for you" he started to try to pull my jeans down. I kicked harder now. "We can do this the easy, fun way or the hard way. This is all your choice" he sneered.

There was no way I was going to let this freak hurt me so of course I growled, "the hard way." He laughed mercilessly and struck me again. Soon he managed to get my jeans down to my knees. At this point I started to cry. Bawling loudly and screaming for help. He told me to shut up or he'd hit me more. When I didn't he grabbed a fist full of my hair and smashed my head against the rocky asphalt. With that my vision went black and blissfully lost consciousness.

A/N: Ooohhhhh. Cliffhanger!!! Don't blame me blame @The_First_Fandom. She told me to do the cliffie but I'm going to update really soon. Like maybe again tonight. With Andy's POV! Yay! Thanks for reading!! it means a lot to me that all you guys are reading my probably not that great writing!! But whatever it's fun. Ok enough rambling and @The_First_Fandom don't kill me for calling u out!!!!

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