Chapter 1 Polaroid

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We're Here My Mommy Yells Me and Sabrina Let Out A High pitched Squeal And Run out of the van We quickly Grabbed Our Bags and hug Our Mom's Tight Before Having to Leave Have fun girls you know Where to go Right yes Mom We'll Call you When We Get to our cabins Sabrina Told Her Mom

We Gave Them one Last Hug Before Running Towards Our New Home For this Summer

Hellooo Summer Camp I said Excitedly Linking My Arm with Sabrina And Helloo Hot Guys

She Said As Her Eyes Followed Multiple Boys We Both Let Out A Slight Laugh and Look Through Our Information Packet We're In Cabin 16

Both Of Us Begin To Scan For Our Cabin While Also Looking At A Few Activities Going On Around Us

People Were Swimming In the Lake Others were Climbing A Nearby Rock Wall

Cabin 16 Sabrina Called Out

We Speed Walk To Our Cabin And Open the Door With A Squeal It's So Cute

As I'm Looking Around I See that there Are four Beds Two On One Side and two On the Other the two on the Left Side Of the Room Are Already Covered In Personal Sheets and Luggages There's A Variety Of Posters On the Wall But the One thing I'm Not Seeing Is the People Who Own All Of This

I Call This One Sabrina Jumped On one of the Beds and Started Unpacking Her Belongings

I Guess this One Is Mine Than I Tell Her As I Let Out A Laugh

After About An Hour Of Getting Situated Into the Cabin We're Finally Done Sabrina Has A Light A Blue Cover With Lace Patterns Engulfing It Mine Was Bulge With White Trim Our side of the Room Was Pretty Plain So We Decided To Hang Up Some Of Our Polaroids From A Few Years Ago As I'm Going Through The Pictures I Slowly Lift Up One Of Them It was A Picture Of Me and Peyton

We Never Dated Or Anything We Were Just Best Friends He Knew Everything He Knows More Than Sabrina I Told Him Every Last Detail To Every Story and Situation

All the Embarrassing Moments All Of My Secrets I Smile Thinking Back To All Our Good Times

But Immediately My Smiles Fades Remembering Why Those Memories Don't Mean A Thing I Trusted Peyton I Gave Him My 100% Trust Right From the Beginning And What Did He Do With It A While After We Finished Girlmeetsworld Peyton Told Me That He Had To Move and I Was Absolutely Heart Broken Because My Best Friend Was Leaving I Had Liked Peyton Before and I Wanted To Tell Him Before He Left So I Went to His House Quickly

I Collapsed In His Arms And Told Him That I Would Miss Him and All and After That I Confessed My Feelings For Him I Was Excepting For Him To Comfront Me and Tell Me Everything Would Be OK And That Maybe He Would Tell Me That He Like Me Too But That's When All Of His Friends Came Too


And One More Thing I Like You Peyton I Wanted to Tell You Before You Left I Explained

He Immediately Starts Laughing I'm So Confused I Don't Know What's Going On Than All Of A Sudden I See A Group Of Guys Come In Dying Of Laughter What Is This I Ask

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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