Chapter 2

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7.15 am 13/05/16
I woke up to silence. It's certainly unusual when you have parents that argue a lot. The quiet was unsettling, I felt that something was wrong. I threw my bedsheets across the room and dragged myself into the kitchen. "Jack? Andréa?" I called out. No reply. Maybe they left early? I'm so stupid. I forgot to even ask wether they had work or not. I guessed they were out and poured myself some milk and added the cereal into the bowl.
I was interrupted by a loud thud. I brushed it off as the neighbour's car door until the glass of the window behind me smashed in. Natural instinct caused me to throw myself onto the floor, but I was aware that wasn't the right decision at the time. I landed on shards of glass and lay there bleeding for what felt like forever. Cold hands picked me up and I felt myself being thrown over someone's shoulders. They were broad and strong, but I hadn't got the brain power at that moment to recall anyone with that figure.
I tried to kick whoever the attacker was in the stomach, but it came out as a weak poke. I opened my eyes slightly to see the cuts up the side of my arms and legs from the impacts of the glass. I weakly took a shard of glass from my arm and swiped it across the persons neck. A warm liquid trickled across my fingers. Blood. I felt myself falling, bashing myself against several flights of stairs.
My body jerked as it hit the last step.
That's all I remember after waking up in a hospital bed with Jack and Andréa standing over me.
"What time is it? What day is it?" I mumbled.
"Approximately 12:45, 14/05/16. According to forensic scientists she had been laying on the floor for about 7 hours before we found her. She'd landed on glass as the intruder walked in at around 9:00 pm and dropped into another load of glass as the intruder fell. We're not sure where he is right now," the nurse said whilst sorting out equipment. Jack scratched at his neck and attempted to cover something.
"Oh, uh- what a shame.. I hope you find him soon." Jack leant over me to give me a hug and I received death-stares from Andréa. They both left the ward.
"Do you remember anything that happened?" The nurse asked politely.
"Not really. I have a vague memory of no one being in the house though." I slurred.
My vision blurred and my eyelids became heavy. I was out cold.
I was woken up by the loud conversation going on around me. They were strapping two leather arm guards onto my arms.
"What's happening?" I said
"These should help you to not itch at the scars. They need to heal." A man said from the corner of the room.  He wasn't dressed in uniform.
"Who are you?"
I got in and slammed the car door. I tried not to think about it too much.
Andréa was sitting besides me, nervously twitching. "What has been going on with you for the past three days?" I said loudly.
"I don't like Anna, okay? I just don't want her in the house. I don't like change." Andréa yelled.
"Oh, get over yourself." I sighed.
I pulled out of the hospital car parking space and drove home. I'd been out for most of yesterday with Andréa. I came back around 9.00pm to find Anna so I reported it but there was a 2 hour traffic jam and a crash on the M6 which they stayed 5 hours to help for and forgot to signal for more ambulances to come my way via a different route.
I pulled into my  driveway and got out the car. I went inside, stepping over the glass and mopping up the spilt cornflakes and milk. It felt less energetic without Anna around. Me and Andréa had been on bad terms for a long time and having Anna stay it felt alive for once, like the tension between me and Andréa had gone. But the negative impact was back.
"God I can't wait for Anna to come back home. Whatever sick and twisted person broke into our house and attempted at kidnapping her will pay for this." Andréa huffed.
A sick feeling invaded my stomach.
I hope no-one knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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