Chapter One

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I hit the snooze button immediately. Groaning, I roll over onto my side. With my eyes still closed I feel around for my phone on the bedside table. I run my fingers across the cool screen and bring it to my face. I type my password into my phone and click on the YouTube app straight away. 76 more subscribers since last night.

My channel on YouTube had been growing recently and I was really enjoying the added publicity from my new subscribers. Last week someone stopped me in the street and asked for a photo! I mainly make challenge and tag kind of videos but occasionally do hauls and a couple of reaction and gaming videos every now and then. YouTube required a lot of effort but I lived for it and the experience gave me unmeasurable amounts of joy.

After scrolling through Instagram, Twitter and watching the new Miranda Sings video, I started to doze back to sleep again.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I hit the alarm off the table. "Urghh" I moan as I swing my legs out of bed. Shrugging on my dressing gown and wooly socks, I head to the kitchen for breakfast.

I grab some fruit and Greek yogurt from the fridge and set about making a fruit salad for my morning snack. Just as I sit down at the table I see my roommate walk in.

"Hey Leona, how was your night?" I ask, before drizzling honey over my bowl.

"Mmm. Hungover." She grunted back, grabbing some bacon and proceeding to make herself a bacon sandwich. "How did you sleep?" She asked.

"Not bad. I'm just tired."

"Aren't you always?"

"Work. YouTube. And mum keeps trying to persuade me to go to college. I hate it."

She nodded in agreement and took her breakfast into the living room.

I put my bowl into the dishwasher, made a quick mug of hot chocolate and walked out into the hallway. At the door I saw a pile of mail. Bills, bills, late birthday card... wait what? A letter addressed to me. I put the pile onto the table and take the letter into my room. Sat on the bed, I crack open the seal.

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