Chapter 1

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(15 Years Ago)

Barry huddled under the covers, shivering, but not from the heat.

From the yell that had erupted from Lewis's mouth.

He shivered again.

Suddenly, he felt the blanket lift up, and someone enter his little blanket fort.

"Len?" he whispered for fear of awakening the beast (Lewis). "Yep," Len whispered back. 

"I'm-I'm scared, Lenny," Barry whispered. "Shhh," Len whispered back, "It's ok. I promise. But we need to be quiet."

Barry nodded. Len laid down (Still under the blankets) and Barry shifted so he could lay down on him.

"I love you, Len," Barry whispered, but it was muffled against Len's stomach. "I love you too, Barry," Len murmured back, but Barry was already asleep.


Barry was so happy. He had an amazing brother who would always protect him, a sister, a friend (Mick), and the best job in the world.

Little did he know, soon, everything would be different.


"Let's go! Lenny! Come on!" Barry yelled as he tried desperately to pull Len away from his conversation. 

"-I'm sorry, but something tells me I should go..." Len chuckled. The guy he was talking to (Cameron) nodded and left.

"I lost a date!" Len whined. "I should make you stay home!" Barry started to pout, and Len laughed. "Fine. But let me finish my conversation next time!"

Barry laughed along with him as he pulled him toward their car to get to S.T.A.R. Labs so they could watch The Particle Accelerator, though Len still wasn't sure what that was.

When they got there, Len couldn't help but feel like a complete dork.

He wasn't a nerd.

He didn't belong here.

But one look at Barry's face and all of those feelings disappeared.

That kid deserved everything good in life plus some. Len could "suffer" through this for a few hours.

After a while, people started heading out, which Len took as a cue to pull Barry out.

"Wanna hit somewhere?" Len asked. Barry nodded. 

"I don't wanna head home alone. Not yet, anyway."

So they found themselves at a nearby bank. "You ready?" Len whispered. Barry nodded. They ran in, scanned the bank, saw that no security guards were in the immediate area, and ran to the vault.

Len managed to pick the lock in less than a minute, and they both stuffed the duffel bags they had full of money.

Len smirked at Barry, and Barry returned it.

When they ran out the back, into the getaway van, loaded with money, Len realized that he couldn't have asked for anything more in life.


When Barry had run to Star City and met Oliver Queen, The Arrow, he had panicked. 

He still doesn't know why he saved the man's life.

After all, he had come to Star City looking for The Arrow, so he could kill him.

There wasn't anyone who could stop him, except The Arrow.

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