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"hey Hannah" my best friend Marissa said.

I've known her since diapers. we had always been there for each other she's basically my sister.

"hey, you look so cute today" I replied

out of know where Mr. Thomas ran his nails over the chalk board. gosh that sound is absolutely horrible. after the groaning from everyone in the class stopped he began to speak

"everyone this is Michael Clifford, he's our new student. hmmm let's see ah Marissa why don't you show michael around the school"

"oh um o-okay." she was nervous why?? come don't make a fool of yourself may.

"and Hannah in the mean time you can take him to his classes yea?"

"yea, that's no problem" I replied trying to act slick

I grabbed my things and took michael outside if the class room. Gosh his green hair and brown eyes made him so beautiful.

"umm can you stop staring at me please" michael says as he waves his hand in front of my face.

dammit Hannah get it together!! "oh sorry I just like your hair color. let me see your schedule. oh you have Spanish with ms.maria just to warn you she's a little crazy! she's just around the corner in room 12"

Michael looked terrified as he entered the class room.

"michael you'll do fine won't worry I'll be right here when class is over I promise" I stated as he walked the ought the door.

as I re entered my class everyone stared at me.

"can I help any of you? I don't think so"

Marissa looked at me sympathetically this is the first time ive ever been scared. Mr.Thomas cleared his throaty

"Hannah you need to go to the office. I'm truly sorry"

what? he's sorry why would he be sorry teachers are never sorry. on the walk down to the office I felt someone behind me but, I just shook it off. as I entered the office there were two police officers and my principle.

Mr. Wagner had sorrow in his eyes. "Hannah ease take a seat. I'm sorry to be the one who has to tell you this but, your parents were in a car accident"

just at those words my body completely shut down. the officers cut off Mr. Wagner and began to explain how the accident happened "your father and mother were driving on the highway when a semi truck collided head on with their vehicle. your mother died at the scene and your father later passed away on the way to the hospital. i am terribly sorry to have to tell you this" officer tremayne states.

Mr. Wagner excused me from his office and as soon as I walked out into the empty hallways of premiere high I dropped to the floor crying. and mind you I never cry I never have emotions. never. Someone pulled me off of the floor and brought me out to the car. "why did you take me out of there?"

"your parents didn't tell you did they?" in return I shook my head no "I'm your guardian hannah"

My guardian (m.c.)Where stories live. Discover now