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Taehyung P.O.V
Aish.. can people take any longer?! Jeez! I'm so ready to go to Japan, to separate myself from all my problems

1 year ago
"Tae! Come on let's go to the dog park!" Jimin said, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Jimin, I don't want to." I said hugging my knees.

"But come on, you've been in your room for the last week! You need to see the sun, people are starting to think your a vampire!" Jimin said, which I knew he was just saying that to get me out of bed.

"Please." Jimin pleaded.

"No." I said coldly.

Present day
I've realized I've changed. Jungkook came into my life and made me talk to people and make friends... anyway, I see a lot of people coming with cameras, they are making a big circle around someone, poor person, whoever it is, I feel bad for them. I look at the circle and say him

Jungkook P.O.V 20 minutes earlier
"Kookie, where do you think your going?" Mi-Sun asked.

"I'm going to the airport." I answer walking to the door.

"If you walk out of the door, I will tell everyone your secret." Mi-Sun threatened.

"Mi-Sun, I'm breaking up with you, even though I was never with you, tell my secret, I don't care, the only thing or person I care about I should say is Taehyung." I said as I walked out of the door.

I hear Mi-Sun throwing a tantrum from outside, I got in my car and rushed to the airport. I ran pass security and see him.

3rd P.O.V
They both meet each other's eyes. Taehyung standing still, looking straight into Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook on the other hand 5 feet apart from Tae, looking at him. Jungkook walked up to Taehyung until they were face to face. They both didn't say a word, just silence. Everyone was staring and watching, a few taking pictures. "Tae, don't leave, don't leave me..." Jungkook said holding Tae's hands and looking into his eyes.

"Jungkook..I would never leave you if you were mine..." Tae said breaking the eyes contact and looking down.

"I'm all yours." Those were the last words that Jungkook said, before Tae looked up, put his arms around Jungkook and kissed him. Everyone at the airport was clapping and shouting "whoooo!".

 Everyone at the airport was clapping and shouting "whoooo!"

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"Come on Tae, let's go home." Jungkook said.

"Okay!" Tae replied.

They both went to Tae's place. They went inside. "What happened with Mi-Sun?" Tae asked.

"She's not a problem anymore, let's forget about her." Jungkook answered.

They both sit on the couch and not do anything, or say anything. Taehyung looked down and played with his fingers and Jungkook looked around the room. "Tae-" Jungkook got cut off by Taehyung's kiss.

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