cult thing

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    O’  great Jack who hath blessed us with the seeds of his blessing, the very essence of sustenance.

    Ye who wander aimlessly in search of a homeland to call thine own must rejoice in the name of the divine O’ Jack and all those who choose to revel in the name thine Jack and his righteous conduits the frozen golems.

    To choose a path of righteousness following in the great name O’ Jack will lead to an eternal torch alight in the flame of the eternal Pumpkin after this life.

    He takes in all who are lost, all those who wander, and all those who need. All are forgiven while in the realm of O’ Jack. A second chance granted to all those who shall choose to bask in the glow of his great light.

    All ye who so choose to bask in the greatness of the almighty Jack must abide by the divine code of lantern as follows.

Ⅰ- You must commit to the general good of the church and all that includes such as colonization of new lands, cultivation of the divine crop the Pumpkin, the defense of all religious structures, defense of all church controlled cities or towns.

Ⅱ- Thine daily consumption must consist of a large quantity of the divine pumpkin crop. usheThine diet must also consist of 1 bushel of wheat per month and 1 barrel of milk every 6 months.

Ⅲ- Jack loves all his children and his divinity does not condone hatred towards any gender, race, or personal belief as long as that belief does not harm others within the church or it’s allies.

Ⅳ- Thou must receive 1 year of training in the Church O’ Jack naval service known as the C.O.J.N

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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