Chapter 12

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It was the day of Dela's party, the night of it to be exact. The four girls were getting ready in Katya's house, Trixie was doing her makeup with her outfit already on, while Katya was in the bathroom, putting on her outfit. Adore had her outfit on too and was finishing her makeup beside Trixie. Bianca walked into the room with her outfit on, she was wearing a long black dress with white and red circles sprinkled all over it, red heels and her hair was tied up in a high pony tail, making Adore's jaw drop.

"Woah" Adore, who was wearing a blue plaid jacket with a short black top and denim shorts, muttered "You look hot"

"Thanks" Bianca scoffed, rolling her eyes "You look like a chola"

"Well fuck you too bitch" Adore laughed, looking in the mirror to see how her makeup looks

"Where's Katya?" Bianca asked

"She's changing in the bathroom." Trixie answered, applying her bright pink lipstick

"She better not be wearing that fuckin contact dress" Bianca laughed

"If she does wear it then she's not coming" Trixie laughed back

"Well too bad bitches!" Katya shouted as she dramatically entered the room "I'm not wearing the contact dress!"

And she wasn't lying, she wasn't wearing the contact dress, instead, she was wearing a long sleeved, white and black, dress-like shirt with black ties, long black boots and grey rubber gloves with polka dots and fake nails on it.

"You look beautiful!" Trixie stated, the look of awe on her face

"Thank you Barbra!" Katya replied, doing a pose and winking at her "So do you"

"Thanks" Trixie smiled and blushed

"What time are we gonna go at?" Bianca asked

"We can head down now if you want" Katya replied "The party is gonna start soon."

"Let's go then!"

It was about ten minutes later when they finally got to Dela's house, the party had already started, music was blasting loudly and there were a lot of people seen from inside the house.

Bianca parked her car outside the house and the four girls got out and walked to the front door. Before they even got the chance to knock, the door opened fully, revealing Dela smiling widely, she was wearing a skin tight black dress that went down to her thighs with black heels.

"Hi there treasures!" She greeted with a cheery smile "Come on in!"

The four girls then walked into the house, each of them looking excited.

"You all look amazing!!" Dela stated

"So do you!" Trixie replied

"Aw, thanks treasure!"  Dela giggled "Now you guys should join the party! I'll join you once more people get here!"

 "Alright! See you later then!" Katya waved before running off to join the party, making Trixie, Adore and Bianca rush after her

Katya ran into the other room, everyone was talking and drinking from those stereotypical red solo cups while loud Lady Gaga music played from a stereo, she had a wide smile on her face as she walked around the room before making her way to the kitchen to get a drink for Bianca, Adore and Trixie. The other three girls rushed behind her with annoyed expressions, except Trixie, she just looked really confused.

The three stood behind Katya at the counter where the drinks were and Bianca hit her at the back of the head, to which Katya muttered something in Russian.

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