
7 0 0

Trana looked up at the night sky searching and searching for the seventh star. Her eyes flickered over the seven moons, the biggest being only a small sliver while the other were nearly full. Then she found it. It was the smallest star in the sky, but no less pretty than the others. It glowed an eerie shade of blue, and all Trana could think of was how the light had traveled millions of light years just for it to leave here vision in a millisecond before it sped away. Trana bilinked and suddenly remembered why she had been searching for it. The star flickered in her vision, and this time she hadn't blinked she watched intently as it flickered once, twice, and then went out. Trana sighed wishing it didn't have to have the same fate as the first six stars. Trana sat up and reached for her bag. Her hand grasped the soft leather straps and pulled it onto her lap. Trana dug through the bag, getting quicker and more frantic as the ground beneath her started to shake. She took another quick glance at the sky. The ripple of destruction was growing bigger. Her hands finally found what she had been looking for, a camera. Trana smiled as she raised the camera to the sky and took a quick picture. She smiled at the turnout and proceeded to take the memory card out to place in a little box. She put the box in the pocket of her jacket and layed back down breathing in the scent of her world for the last time. Trana smiled as she closed her eyes, embracing the inevitable.

It had been seven years since the rest of her kind had died.

It had been seven years since the sixth star had exploded.

It had been seven long years alone.

The seven years ended now.

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