Dares Dipper and Will to make out for 2 minutes while Rd and Bill watchBri: STILL ALIVE
Will: ahhhh!!! S-stop d-doing that
Dip'n'dots: oh hey bri *pets Bri*
Bri:*purrs* anyway *show's dare to them*
Will & Dipper: NO THEY WILL KILL US!!!!!!
Rd & Bill: who will
Bri: they'll be chained up
Dipper: ok
Bri:*chain's Bill and rd* sorry *Shows the dare* good thing those are magic resistant
Bill: NOOOOO!!!!!😈😈😈😈
Rd: Bri I want you to think about what your doing 😈
Bri: s-s-sorry
Dipper:*kisses will*
Will:*kisses back*
Time skip brought to you by coran coran the gorgeous man
Bri:*unchains Rd and Bill* S-S-SORRY 😭😭
Bill,rd:*hugs bri*
Bri:??????ummm Will Dipper I think you should run
Dip,Will:*runs to the forest*
Rd, Bill:*chases them*
Bri:PLZZ request bye