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     Water. The soft burble of a stream.

     A slim shadow creeps through the tangled undergrowth, tail low, eyes narrowed, claws unsheathed.

     Waiting. Watching. Healing.

     It has heard many things from the forest, but so few things that it understands. A sparrow flitting by gives it no more than a passing glance, and dry grass crackles underfoot.

     At least it understands that it is barely more than a ghost to this world.

     Two familiar scents. Nearby.

     The shadow doesn't want to meet its intended end.

     It might anyway if it holds to this path.

     A pair of green eyes.

     Despite every sign that this task is a dangerous one, the shadow continues forward. It cannot surrender searching. It will follow its goal to the ends of the world, even though the way is most certainly perilous.

     But it moves soundlessly along its path, never forgetting the conviction that brought it so far in the first place.


     It is alive, it has a trail to follow, and it will stare down a monster if it must.

     Yet it is not alone.

ashes to ashes ❧ // warrior catsWhere stories live. Discover now