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Chapter 675: The True Pushing Technique

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Mountain Mover did not join the battle. He remained on a Flying Mount. He was levitating 3 meters above from the ground while observing the situation of the battle and giving commands to the other players.

In any 1 VS 1 match, the important thing was a player's strength and skills. In any 2 VS 2 match, collaboration becomes crucial and important if you wanted to win the match. When the number of players in a match reaches a certain height, collaboration would become so significant that strengths, equipment no longer matter much.

In terms of Strength, Zhang Yang, Sun Xin Yu, Wei Yan Er and his other gang were way much more powerful than the players from Japan-Korea Region. For instance, the standard of the Japan-Korea players' equipment were the worst among all thanks to the China Region. They had been cornered and bullied by Zhang Yang while the others had snatched the good equipment out there. They only left the weak and lousy equipment for the Japan-Korea players to salvage. How about collaboration?

Under the command of Mountain Mover, the 100 China players were collaborating in a perfect sense that they were able to outdo the effect of 1 plus 1 equals to two. The complex combination of tactics and collaboration that the China players were implementing left the Japan-Korea players confused. They did not even know how to react to the situation. They did not even know where to start!

The Japan-Korea players would need to send out 10 players on their side just to kill one China Region player. Even though they had the advantage of having their Graveyard close to them, it did not seem to be enough for them to hold themselves up against Zhang Yang and his fellow China players. They were basically being cornered up and slaughtered now!

Meanwhile, their Stealthy Strike Force had also been wiped out. Japan-Korea Region had a total of 76 players. All of them were now being cornered up by their own doorstep! Once they are killed, they would be resurrected once in every 30 seconds, only to be killed again. The cycle went on. Well, they were contributing to the kill count of the China Region in a way. Meanwhile, the China Region was not backing up as well. They were performing outstandingly at increasing their kill counts. Their momentum could almost match the momentum of the Europe Region at that rate!

As long as they keep their current pace up, they should be the ones claiming victory over the war!

The players from Japan-Korea Region were beginning to cry their eyes red. What the actual f*ck! The China Region did not just push them back, but also cut off their escape routes! Why don't they just attack the other Regions? Why must they come at them? Kill, kill, kill! Killing one China player is better than killing none!

Some say that a cornered foe would be at its most dangerous state. However, desperate courage is not always enough win the battle! These Japan-Korea Region players had outdated equipment and low levels. Furthermore, they were not organized at all. They intended to fight the battle with only courage alone. Such a mentality would just place them in an even more difficult situation than they already were in! Furthermore, the resurrection system on this map was automated. In other words, players would automatically release their souls 30 seconds after they died. Furthermore, they would be set to be resurrected on the Graveyard of their own Region. They could not stop themselves from resurrecting even if they wanted to.

Moreover, although players would regain full HP status upon their resurrection, they would still need to activate their Inheritance Transformation Skills manually. If they react just a little slower right after they are resurrected, they would be instantly killed by the bombardment of AoE attacks in the area.

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