chapter three

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Dedicated to @reneemp



The beating of my heart.

It was truly the most sickening yet needed thing right now.

I was alive.

I stood in front of the gigantic beast. A hellhound from Tartarus. Do I know how to fight it nevertheless kill it? No. But I have faith. Faith in Ignis, faith in something  that I read from books.

The hound roared ferally at me. The waves physically shook my body. In front of it, I looked like an insect. I gulped nervously. I locked eyes with it. It's beady eyes slapped shivers within me. Was I afraid? Yes. They say fear makes you do stupid things. Well I was doing something pretty much qualified as ridiculously stupid. But my heart was set and my resolve implanted firmly  in my heart. Too late to back out anyway....

The hound back stepped a couple of metres and then charged towards me.  It ate the distance up between us,  I tightened  my grip on the swords  and closed my eyes Help me to see my power within  I prayed to whoever was listening.  Once again I felt a fire surge through my system, this time as cool as rain drops.

Flare,  get ready
I am. i spoke back
Good, That's my girl

I mentally frowned at the statement but concentrated on what was at hand.  The hellhound was now mere metres away from me,  so I ran towards, you know just like facing the problem head-on. When I reached the closest,  I dug my heels into the asphalt, my knees dropped and grated along the rough surface as I raised one of my swords  and plunged it deep into the underbelly of the hound. It screeched out, I slid out from beneath it and jumped and spun around, landing on its back. It tossed and tried to shake me off but I held on firmly to its almost non existent hyde. I pushed myself further up to its head.  I was  between it's ears When I shoved down both blades into the centre of it's head. It howled out in pain  and then piece by piece it turned into clumps of dirt. 

I heaved in air trying to think of what just happened. I killed it?  I killed it!  Surely  I wasn't the type to celebrate after killing an animal but that wasn't an animal, that was a demon in a beast form. I looked for my dad but I heard the wheels drag on the asphalt.

"You did well flare, you did really well " he said. I looked at him, his eyes twinkled with content. "Come on we have to move"

I hopped  into the car and I didn't realise my swords had already changed back into their former selves. When i  did, I pulled them into my hair. I felt a certain waft of confidence and no it wasn't like a trigger happy feeling where I would go around slicing and chopping as I pleased. it was a feeling of knowing that i could take down anything in my way once i put my belief and trust where its suppose to be. 

i didnt realise my father had already stopped and the car was off. i looked at him as he opened the door and came out then i looked behind him.

forest. dense forest. 

"dad, what is this? another training round?" i asked. looking towards the background. 

"no, flare, this is where you have to be"

"what do you mean?" i recoiled my neck like a snake, hearing a sentence like that from any parent would send any child a little bit haywire. 

" i mean.." suddenly the forest rippled like water and then a man walked out of the centre of the ripple, except he wasnt a man, he was half horse. he was a centaur. i came out of the car and stood beside my father. 

" Enrico!" He called out.  I looked wide eyed at my father. My gaze then shifted back to the man-horse that was walking up to us. He looked down at me.

"I presume that this is Flare. How do you do? " he said. The English accent clothed his words.

"I'm fine, pleased to meet you Mr. …?"

"Call me Chiron or as your father used to call me, Mr. C" I looked at him in total disbelief "Chiron, as in the same Chiron that trained Hercules? That Chiron!? "

"Yes I am, I see you know your history very well "

"Wouldn't that be classified as mythology? " I asked.

"Now if that were mythology, I wouldn't be here now would I? "

I chuckled nervously.  Then other 'people' came through the ripple.  There were two girls and a boy.  one girl had wavy blonde hair whereas the other was a brunette.  The boy,  however,  had a chestnut brown color.  Who are they? I asked myself. I was pulled out of my thoughts as my father nudged me

"flare, I know that this is hard but you have to trust me When I say this …the place that you're going to is the safest place for you and know this Flare, your parents will forever be proud of you."

The tears were welled in both our eyes. My family was my anchor. I  couldn't live without them, tell me how in God's name am I going to stay here?! 

Flare questionned it but she knew the decision was already stationed. She looked at the girl in front of her who smiled politely,  her wavy blonde hair blowing up with the wind. They all seemed the same age as her "hi! I'm Haylei, this is Irma and to the far left is..." she pointed to the boy with almost oynx black hair "Is Tarence.  " he smiled and waved. I prayed that this wasn't a pretense
Flare, they are true and honest beings, there is no pretense towards you. Ignis spoke.  I gulped nervously. 

"Hey, dont worry, The Olympian Campus reeks fun at every corner. " Irma said,touching flare's shoulders. Flare could see she was true to her words. Her brown hair and blue eyes complimented her delicate face.

"Plus you have us, So yeah you'll be fine." Tarence said, his honey brown eyes glittering mischief but he too was blatantly and truly honest with their intentions.  Flare could sense that they were a Good, abiding group with discipline and good morals.  She realised she sensed these attributes through their touch and words. This was getting crazier and crazier by the minute.  She turned back as her father touched her shoulder from behind.  He hugged her and said "be strong, Flare, always remember strength is born out of fear,  So it's Okay to be afraid, all you have to do is believe you can overcome it, I love you Flare" he kissed my forehead and cheeks before ushering me towards the ripple. "Goodbye sweetheart, don't worry we'll visit sometime and for breaks you come home to us okay.  "

Flare nodded. Her eminent tears threatening to pour from her eyes. " I love you daddy. "

For the first time, Flare walked alone to her destination unknown. But yet she didn't walk alone, she walked with four beings,  her new found friends. Her new life awaiting her on the other side ……

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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