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um.... všichni se shromáždili uprostřed ničeho. Ema někoho utopila (teda doufám že to takhle bylo) a skončila v kriminále do konce svého života. Těrka (wth CO UMĚLA TERKA HELP ME JDISJSHS) umm na její požár se přišlo a skončila s Emou v kriminále :D. Linda se odfoukla do kosmu. jason derulo. Eliška šla navštívit Emu a Těrku do kriminálu. Eliška vyšla ze cviku a omylem na ně spadnul strop ošklivé cely. Cestou do dalšího života se vypařil i ten divnej šutr (tomu se říká sublimace myslím).
Zjistili že celej jejich život byl vlastně meaningless sooo eat sticks and rocks and mud. I don't care about the government and i really need a hug. I feel stupid, ugly pretend it doesn't bother me. I'm not very strong but I'll fuck you up if ur mean to bugs. If lady bugs are girls how do you make kids together how's it like an a female world i bet it's just so much better. I skipped class to sit w u I really like ur spotty sweather. I just turned 14 and i think this year I'm gonna be mean. Don't mess w me I'm a big boy now and I'm very scary. I punch my walls stay out at night and i so karate. Don't message me cause i won't reply, wanna make u cryy? Ain't that how's it's supposed to be tho it isn't me boys will be bugs right? boys will be bugs right.
Všichni umřeli a tímto skončil tento VÁMI OBLÍBENÝ PŘÍBĚH. but she's livin' the dreaaam.

chtěla jsem sem přidat meme picture of da blob but it ainit working

when you die they have to plug all of ur holes w cotton. That's pretty dishostang ngl. There's about 5000 hairs in your eyebrows. Ur breathing in bugs rn. Everytime you take a breath, someone takes their last one. If you die when taking a shower, they'll find u naked. If you inject insulin under someones tongue they die and it'll look like they died from a heart attack, the wound will be healed till the time they find the body. If you want to bury a body just take a dead animal and bury it like 2 meters above the dead body. They'll find the animal first if the dogs sence something and you'll be fine.



i popped off

i cried during this

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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