My oc

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Vocaloid Character Information


Name (last, first): Fukushima Zuku

Nickname(s): Ko, Lollipop, Aina,

Age: 18

Species: Vocaloid

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Birthday: September 24th ((Year TBA))

Life Story: Zuku was originally created as a promoter, but after a while, she started singing the songs the Vocaloids sang and the master ended up uninstalling her for five months. After that five-month period, Miku brought up the fact that it'd be nice to have another female Vocaloid to have just in case of emergencies and to make things more lively, and Zuku was re-activated as a Vocaloid. Since then she's been recording, going to concerts, and performing with the other Vocaloids.

About Him/Her

Personality: Zuku the cutesy type and is quite optimistic, but she also has a firey and protective side, which makes her good for the more violent PVs.

Good Habit(s): Listens well, doesn't speak unless the person who was speaking before she has stopped speaking, likes to help people, hums when she sees an opportunity, tends to act funny and childish to cheer the others up when they feel down.

Bad Habit(s): She scratches her arms a lot when shes nervous, fidgets constantly, has trouble going to sleep at night, eats quite a lot and acts like tomboy instead of lady-like.

Like(s): Winter, Fall, Games, Singing, and Dancing

Dislike(s): Hurting people, waiting, not knowing what to do.

Hobbies: Dancing, Cooking, Spending time with everyone.

Fear(s):Being Deactivated again, losing her friends and falling infinitely.

Strength(s): Voicing her opinion, strong; well thought out; arguments, keeping time, giving directions, helping others, and giving comfort.

Weakness(es): Making decisions on the spot, saying goodbye when she knows she won't see the person in a long time.

Special Powers/Abilities: Her voice is so melodic and sweet that it can put someone to sleep when she sings slow songs.

Extras: A star necklace she wears for good luck.

Dreams and Talents

Ambition/Life-long Dream: She's always wanted to explore and learn moe about the world around her.

Occupation/Job: Vocaloid

Family and Friends

Parent(s): Unknown

Sibling(s): None

Relative(s): Miku(Thinks of her as a sister)

Pet(s): A small hedgehog that she lets rest on her shoulder.

Best Friend(s): Miku, Luka, Gumi, and Rin

Friend(s): Len, Gakupo, Lily, and Kiyoteru

Crush(es): [Depends On Yours] Kaito, Gakupo, Rin, Luka and Len

Rival(s): Doesn't have any

Enemies: None

Vocaloid Information

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