Two Paths

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The Other Side



We all have our crosses to bear. Some are large some are small. Some people have many some people have few. We all have them, they are all heavy.

Mine sat there for a while, not being acknowledged. Did I want to acknowledge it? I sat next to it for a while, not wanting to pick it up but not wanting to ignore it

Finally I picked it up and started towards a path. There were two. One was paved with gold and was wide an easy and a lot of people were going down this path.

The other was chocked with thorns, almost impassable.

Needless to say, I chose the first.

I continued down for a while and heard a voice calling me from the other path. It sounded urgent.

I went over, breaking through the thorns, cutting myself.

He talked to me, dressed my wounds and feed me. I hadn’t realised I was hungry.

I thanked him and went back to the other side but it had lost its wonder. The gold was gone and lead was left in its place. My cross had become infinitely heavier. I didn’t know it at the time but up ahead there were people who had collapsed under the weight of theirs. Some had died but others were on the point of death or walking in circles, starved. 

I wanted to get back but not knowing how, I kept going down the first path.

He called to me all the time and I was finally able to get back across. The same things happened as before. He saw to my needs then I ended up back on the first path.

This continued for a while until I finally decided that enough was enough, I would do anything to stay on the second path.

I fought so hard to stay on the second path. Sometimes I would fall into despair because I was back on the first path. I always tried again with renewed fervour.

Each time it was easier to cross to the second path. Each time it was clearer. 

Eventually he asked me if he could help me carry my cross.

I hesitated.

It’s my cross, it belongs to me, it’s personal. I didn’t really know this guy.

He asked with increasing frequency.  I said yes to him. Even though my cross was light on the second path when he took it I felt a great burden had been lifted, I could walk upright.

Now I can see what a head, a low hill. It has an eerie feel to it.

I know what’s going to happen there and it’s going to happen to me.

And I can’t wait.


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