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Ich wollte eigentlich eine neue Episode WhatsApp dramas schreiben/machen.
Aber ich hatte das Bedürfnis dies los zu werden... Sooooo HAVE FUN WITH SOME DEEP SHIT! :)
I knew her for almost three years now.
It first seemed that we wouldn't get along but then she asked me if she maybe could join me going to that concert in cologne.

„i don't mind having you with me there, if your parents agree with it."

„ my dad would allow it to come with you and my mum wouldn't care anyways!" she said.

I don't really remember what happened next but sure thing was that we were getting best friends! But both of us never got to that concert. Wich is kinda funny because we've started becoming friends only bc the two of us had liked that one band at that time.

But also because we've spent almost every day together, i started distancing myself from my old friends without even noticing it.

We had a friend named Lucy that was joining us sometimes. In 6th. Grade at our class trip my best bullied her for some reason.
I understand her about feeling worried and jealous about me and lucy being good friends,because she was a troublemaker kid.
She didn't want me to become like her, but i also didn't want to let lucy down because i knew she was going through some shit and my bestie bullying her didn't really make it better.
But because I was still hanging out with her my best friend wanted me to decide between them.
And also lucy did. Both sides kept telling me that the other one was only using me.
I didn't know what to do anymore ... and wich side i had to believe. She was my Best Friend and i already saw her as a sister...
But i decided for Lucy. Why, you may ask?
It's simple: "she was a lonely girl and my bestie had plenty another friends!" I thought naively.
But deep inside i always regretted letting her go. Because we weren't the same as before. We both apologized because of our thoughtless, childish words and forgave and forgot it all, but it wasn't the same after all of that.
Not even long after that we had our second fight.
And that was when i got close to my childhood friend again and our friendship depended on it because she lied,but that's another story.

Then we continued our friendship all together with my childhood friends.
Us two weren't besties anymore.
We were just... friends and classmates.

Then we graduated (?) to 7th grade and i didn't know why but i somehow started hating her. Even if she didn't deserve that.

I mean she can be pretty bitchy very often, but let's not forget about the fact that her mother doesn't really care about her and her loving dad only visits them once in a week.
Oh, And she was kinda bullied in elementary school and hung with a nasty girl because she hadn't more friends to hang out with..

I am being honest that i was pretty jealous that she found a new best friend. And the fact that her name rhymes with mine didn't make it any better.
Everytime she was calling her,
I thought she was calling me.

And that was also last year when i had a crush on that one guy and was going through a phase so i was pretty stressed!
And that's another story too!

I've becoming good friends with her again.
And also with her new bestie.

I still really like chatting but also talking with her, even if we both annoy us sometimes.

And i know that i am really important to her,
And i hope she knows that she is a very important person to me aswell.

I luv u 4eva fav hoe💕

Me being weird as always and my friend being so cute that my Invisible heart melted! 💕------Omg ich bin kurz vorm heulen!!!!!Btw

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Me being weird as always and my friend being so cute that my Invisible heart melted! 💕
Omg ich bin kurz vorm heulen!!!!!
Btw. Ich hab alles in englisch geschrieben weil ich irgendwie lust darauf hatte und das auch etwas dramatischer wirkt idk. :)
I'm just happy now.
Ok I'll stahp nowee!
Thursday the 10th July at 01:43 am
PS: für alle die fragen; ja dieser Kommentar hatte mich getroffen weil, es von einer guten Freundin kam.
ich glaub das ist zuviel drama für heute hehehh:)
yeorabun fighting haedwae!!😁

maybe 2morrowWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt