The One With A Story

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Chapter 1
Jessy pacing*
Jessy:I'm okay... really I'm fine. I mean yes i'm very depressed and suffer from anxiety which led me to hurt myself but I'm okay.
Devon: Stop I know you're lying your not fine* grabs wrist and holds it up to Jessy* look... I can see that you are not okay, please let me try to help you.
Jessy: I don't know. I don't even know how to help myself let alone tell you how to help me.
devon: Okay, okay i'll listen. I wanna understand you more and why your going through it.
Jessy: It's complicated.
Devon:I'll still listen.
Jessy: *takes a deep breath then sighs* When I was 13 I started to get depressed because I lost my father and my Grandma. I was so close to them, but they got into a car accident* crying* there was not chance of them surviving! *Jessy stops pacing*
Devon: why is that?*while comforting her*
Jessy: the car burst into flames before anyone could get their.
Devon: Anything else?
Jessy: You don't understand!
Devon: Then make me understand!.
Jessy: I'm sorry I'm... I'm done talking.
Davon: NO!... wait... I'm sorry. Please keep going.
*wipes tears and stops crying,**sniffles*
Jessy: Then after the accident my mom found a guy who she worked with for years came along. They always went out and left me behind, so that gave me a lot of loneliness. I felt that she didn't want to be near me and that she would one day leave me behind while they move somewhere far far away from me, and how I knew was because they were talking about in the bedroom after I left the bathroom to cut myself. Turns out they did, so I'm stuck here! I got very upset because I was alone and had no more family. I took a knife and I started cutting my wrists more often, I put a bandaid on to stop the bleeding. Then one day I went for a walk, I got so overwhelmed over years of hell. I went over a bridge and stopped halfway. I looked down, it was very high, I was thinking of jumping then that's when I saw you and you saved me from jumping off that bridge.
Devon:HOLY CRAP! *covers mouth than removes hand* I didn't know why you were crying you wouldn't say, I'm so so sorry! That was only a few years ago!
Jessy: Yes I know...
Devon: How long have you been alone for and why did your mom leave you?
Jessy: She left me because she thought I was dangerous and not safe to be around, and i've been alone since I was 13. I had to find some side jobs like babysitting and doing house work for other people. I did school then did homework then worked until 9ish and so on. Also since i was alone since I was 13 and I'm 21 now so 6 years I've been here.
Devon: why the hell wouldn't you call child services?!?
Jessy: I didn't know their number and way to scared to ask.
Devon: and no body found out?
Jessy: no. No one care and it's not against the law for kids to be alone and sign legal papers
Devon: So are you still alone?
Jessy:No, I have a Boyfriend and he comes over a lot
Devon: does he know about your depression, anxiety and self harm?
Jessy: No, not really
Devon: What do you mean "Not Really"?
Jessy:Well he knows about my depression and that's about it...But I got some meds for that.
Devon:don't you think he has a right to know about the rest?
Jessy:I'm having trouble to find time to tell him.
Devon: how long have you guys been together for?
Jessy: about a two years and a bit
Devon:that's long enough to tell him what's going on in your life, and where does he think your parents are?
Jessy: he knows
Devon: so when are you gonna tell him about this?
Jessy: ummm... soon...I don't know I'm worried he'll get mad because I didn't tell him sooner
Devon: uhh yeah, wouldn't you be mad if it was the other way around?
Jessy: Yes and no
Devon:why is that?
Jessy:well, I would be disappointed but also understanding.
Devon:I have two more questions
Jessy: okay, hit me... not literally. You get it.
Devon: are you still hurting yourself and thinking of death?
Jessy:umm not hurting my self but I have thought the world doesn't need me
Devon: please don't kill yourself, *starts crying* please, you mean the world to me! You're best friend and I can't be in a world without you. I'm lost and terrified without you. Your the one I turn to when I need help, and your the one I go to when my ex was cheating on me! You're my world, you're my everything! Without you there's no me, I know I sound so clichè but it's true.
Jessy: stop your gonna make me cry now*rubs eyes to remove tears**they hug and wipe tears**both stop crying* so should I tell him today?
Devon: only if your comfortable,but I think it should be soon
Jessy:okay... I'll tell him right now!
Devon:*grabs arm gently to stop Jessy from walking away* wait!
Jess: what is it?
Devon:Promise me something...
Jessy: again what is it?
Devon:don't ever kill yourself no matter how hard it would be.
(Jessy doesn't reply)Hello?you still there?
Jessy:*speaks with a hesitation then sighs* yeah I'm still here, and yes I can promise you
Devon: *smiles*Okay you have to go now right?
Jessy:Yeah, sorry got to go. Thanks for talking
Devon:Yeah no problem but thanks for talking to me
Jessy: You're welcome and bye!
*both hug and leave each other*
* Jessy goes home and then Sam
knocks at their door shortly after they come home*
Sam: Babe? What's going on? Are you okay? where are you?
Jessy: Babe! *calls from up stairs*
Sam: What are you doing up their?
Jessy: I was just changing into more comfortable clothes and have you seen my sweat pants?
Sam: *shouts from down stairs*You wore them but you didn't wash them yet, by the way have you seen my sweat shirt?
Jessy:Yeah, I'm wearing it (chuckles)
Sam: So what's going on? You called me in a panic
Jessy: Go sit down in the living room I'm coming down stairs!
Jessy: I got my foot stuck in this bucket and fell down the stairs
Sam: Here let me help you up
*both sit on the couch*
Jessy:This is a serious topic, it's sad and dark, just a heads up, and you know I still love you and it so difficult to talk about this. (Places hands on lap)
Sam: what's going on? Are we breaking up?
Jessy:No, no, no! There is quite a bit of information I didn't tell you because I was scared
Sam:It's okay you can tell me *holds Jessy's hands tightly*
(half an hour later)
Wow I wish you would have told me about this but I understand why you were scared to talk about this. Just promise me you won't kil-
Jessy: Yes of course
Sam: Babe I have more questions
Jessy:Yeah go for it
Sam: If your mom came back would you wanna talk to her?
Jessy: Wow... I never thought about that in years,(deep exhale) umm I don't know, I think... no.Because she left me so why should I be all "Oh Mommy, Mommy I missed you! I praise you" no! she's the one who left me with keys to the house and $100 on the counter. I was 13, 13! Goddamnit!, like I mean what kind of sick person dose that?! And she still paid for the house but I defeated for myself every night.*starts crying a little*
Sam: Why are you going into the kitchen? Your boyfriend is here not there Come here.*arms opened for a hug*
Jessy: (muffled) I'm hungry and sad so I was getting a slice of pizza
*both laugh*
Sam: one last thing about your mom. If she was coming back to see you would you be okay with it?
Sam: I didn't she sent me a message over Facebook and said she's coming back home!
Jessy: WHAT THE HELL?! You can't be serious!
Sam: I told her not to because it's going to be hectic since I'm moving in in this week
Jessy: When is she coming?
Sam: She didn't say when
Jessy: I'm terrified right now, MOVE IN SOONER PLEASE!
Sam: *laugh* You know I'm not fully packed but I don't have much because a lot of my stuff is here.
(Two weeks later)
Sam:*runs down stairs* Babe! Babe!
Jessy: what is it?
Sam: Your mother said she's coming!
Jessy: No no no no this can't be happening! I'm terrified right now what do I do?!
*Sam hugs Jessy tightly*
Sam: Babe, whatever happens, happens but I'm right here for you *kisses Jessy's forehead*
*Jessy looks up at Sam with a smile*
(Knock at the door)
*both gasps*
Sam: Babe it's okay your gonna be alright. Remember,I'm right here
*holds Jessy's hands tighter* I'll get the door and please please,Please! don't physically hurt her
Person: No promises
(Distant sound of people talking)
Sam: Come in
Katherine: hello Jessy
Sam: babe you okay? * Stands behind Jessy with arms around her while sitting on the couch*
Jessy: *says quietly* no. I want you to leave their was no reason you had to come!
Katherine: Please i need to talk
Jessy:You left me here and now your coming back all of a sudden??
Sam: babe come on just listen to...
Jessy:oh so now you're taking my mother's side which by the way haven't seen I'm 6 years!!
Sam: why are you getting mad at me I'm just trying to help you
Jessy: talk? Talk about what? The fact that you left me? Left me alone for 6 YEARS??
Left me to...
Katherine: I'm sorry my love please hear me out...
Chapter 4
Jessy: and sam! you can help by not talking to my mother! Or not letting her come here
Sam: one minute please
*jessy & Sam go into the walk in closet to talk*
Jessy: what the hell are you doing?! Why are you talking her side?!
Sam: Jessy! Please calm down. I'm trying my best to help both of you and your getting mad at me, I was worried that you didn't want me to move in with you because I thought you hated me, with that look in your eye when you were yelling at me.*looks down at floor and looks very sad*
Jessy: no no I wouldn't! Why would you think that? I love you too much to lose you
*Sam kisses Jessy's head and then kissed Jessy again but on the lips*
Sam: It's getting stuffy in here let's get out. You ready?
Jessy:yeah... I guess but I don't wanna talk to her. So can you talk as me?
Sam: Sure babe*cute boy smile*
Okay Katherine, she'll listen now
Katherine:Jessy darling...
*Jessy whispers in Sam's ear*
Sam: she doesn't want sweat names, just call her by name
Katherine: Jessy I just wanna apologize for leaving you, I was really scared you were gonna hurt me or Henry. You were hurting yourself, and I saw blood in the sink a lot after you left the bathroom...
*Jessy stands up*
Jessy: So you knew I was sick. You knew I needed help, yet you left me to die! Get the hell out of my house you monster
Sam: babe
Jessy: No Sam! Not now!
Katherine: Well what would you do if you were in my shoes?!
Jessy: I would help my child not let them suffer and die! *bursts out crying*
Sam: It's time you go and never come back again
Katherine: well what if you bring me grandchildren?
*Jessy stops crying*
Jessy: They will never see you and our Relationship won't do stupid things, and we won't because we're not mentally ready for a family. Anyways does not matter to you,now leave!
Katherine: wait! Will they know about me?
Sam: Most likely not
Katherine: I tried to fix our relationship but you won't let me!
Jessy: why would I? You put me in a place were I almost lost my own life and you lived a happy life and I bet you never ever thought about me for a second and now you prance back in here and expect my arms to be open for you! Guess what prinesses You destroyed our relationship to the point where we can't fix it and now you will never have a relationship with me and now you have no one to come back to when you grow even older and Now that you only have Henry's family and that's now the only family you can call! This is all your fault and you need to leave me the hell alone and if I ever see you around here again I'm calling the police
*knocks at door*
Sam: I got it. Hey what's wrong?
*muffled sound of a voice*
Yeah yeah come in
Devon: oh Katherine! What are you doing here? Jess, I thought you said...
Jessy: Yes I know... I'll explain later but she is leaving now
Katherine: Please!
Jessy: Sam, my darling you know what to do...
* Sam makes a phone call*
Katherine: Please, don't do this!
Jessy:Save it! I know all your tricks and plans and I saw you cheating on Dad before he died and you were soooo happy he died! You were happy that you could be with Henry! Your a monster that's what you are and only what you are!
*crys a little then stops*
Devon: Their here
*Pounds at the door*
*Sam lets the cops in*
Officer: Ma'am, I have to ask you to leave
Katherine: I'm so so sorry my love please if you need me I'm here
*Jessy crosses her arms*
Jessy: Trust me I don't need to!
Officer: Come on * grabs her arms*
*door slams*
Devon: Awe Jess I'm so sorry! *gives her a huge hug*
Sam: baby, can I have a hug?
Jessy: *smiles* Of course!
Devon: do you still need me here?
Sam: do you wanna stay for dinner? It's only 7
Jessy: Guys, did I push it too far this time?
Devon: what? With your mom?
Sam: Hell no she got what she deserved!
Jessy:yeah I guess your right. Thanks guys for understanding me and everything I've been through.
Chapter 6
*4 years later*
Jessy: * Runs down stairs* BABY BABY!! Where are you?
Sam: I'm in the office!
*Jessy shows up crying*
Jessy: I'm pregnant!
Sam: WHAT? *starts crying and grabs Jessy's waist to pull her closer to him*
Jessy: awe babe! * wipes his tears away*
Sam: We're going to be parents!
Jessy: I know! *hugs tightly*
Sam: good thing we moved into a spaceish home
Jessy: that's why I moved us here! I wanted to start a family with you cause I knew before you kneeled down 3 years ago to ask me to marry you, I knew I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life.
Sam: God I love you *hugs than releases a little to hold her waist** Kisses*
Jessy: 'till my last breath.
Sam: 'Till our last breath *presses foreheads together than kisses her lips*
Jessy: Can I call Devon?
Sam: Yeah put it on speaker!
*dials Devon*
Hey Devon!
Hi guys whats going on?
We're gonna have a baby! And *Sam Adds* we want you to be the godparent!
Oh sorry gotta go a patent is needing surgery!
Bye love you girl!
Good luck with the baby! Bye!
Sam: I'm so proud she got the job
Jessy: yeah im glad that was a lot of schooling...
Sam:Speeking of schooling, come with me
* takes jessys hand and walks over to from the doorway to the computer screen*
Jessy: Is that... a account?
Sam: yes I was saving up since I was 16 years old so this pays for the baby and some college funds. I saved $100 000 in just 12 years!
Jessy: aw baby! *hugs and kisses*
Sam: and after my uncle passed away he gave me a couple thousand dollars in his will and I put it in my account.
Jessy: My darling, let's go out to dinner in cellabration for our family slash date night
Sam:* raises and eyebrow and looks deeply in eyes* get your coat.

By: PierceTheVeiler210

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