Chapter 11 - He Loves Her

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Abhi and Cabir stood outside Nandini's room, seeing Manik who was now making her lay down. They saw him kiss her head with utter most care and pat her to sleep before leaving the room.

Abhi: He loves her.

Cabir: He does.

Abhi: What do you think, Cabir? Is his love wrong or right?

Cabir: You know Abhi, when Manik loves, he just loves, he doesn't see if it is wrong or right. So here also, the same applies. Wrong or Right, doesn't matter. What matters is, he will accept it. I know him, Abhi. If he loves her, he will never back off.

Abhi: I hope, Cabir. I just want my Barbie happy. And I guess Manik will keep her happy.

Cabir: He will. Trust me on this. Nandini might push him away but he will never. He will keep on trying, atleast till the point he can.

Abhi went silent and seeing this Cabir cleared his throat gaining his attention.

Cabir: Abhi, If you don't mind. Can I ask you something?

Abhi nodded and Cabir hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Cabir: If you love your Barbie, I mean Nandini so much then why does she hates you.

Abhi: Cabir, You know-

He stopped and let out a sigh, not able to find the right words and Cabir kept his hand on his shoulder, giving him silent support.

Cabir: It is okay if you don't want to share.

Abhi: It is not like that, Cabir. You know Barbie, She expected a lot from me and I could not stand on her expectations. Her hate is justified. Though I never accused her but I didn't even stop others. I let them treat her badly. I could've stop them. I could've supported her, hold her hand and tell her that I am with her but I didn't. Instead I choosed to be silent and let them blame her.

Cabir: Blame? Is it what Harshad was talking about? For your friend, Soha's murder?

Abhi: Yes. I can't reveal more, Cabir. I just know one thing and that is my Barbie is innocent. She didn't do anything. I wish she tells us the truth. It is only her who knows the full truth.

They were suddenly interrupted by Manik who was walking through the corridor to go to Cabir's room as he wasn't getting sleep.

Manik: If you would've shown this same trust two years ago then today she would not have been hating you, Mr.Thakker.

They turned around and saw him standing there with anger all over his face.

Abhi: Manik-

Cabir: What are you saying Manik!?

Manik: What I am saying, Cabir? What Am I saying? You tell me, Cabir. You are asking me what I am saying. I am saying what is right. He should have trusted her before itself.

Abhi: Shut up, Manik. I agree you are Aliya's friend but that doesn't mean you have the right to say anything about me and my barbie. You don't know the whole truth.

Manik: Yes I don't, but you know what. Seeing Nandini's condition I can already say she is innocent. Your friends are going to regret it badly. Or even you, since you had no trust on her earlier.

Abhi: Manik, I am saying you the last time. Stop, you don't know the whole truth.

Manik: Oh really, then please do the honours of telling us the whole truth.

He stressed on the words 'whole truth' making Abhi sigh.

Cabir: Manik, please stop yaar. He is right. We can't say anything without knowing everything.

Manik looked at him and Abhi and then stormed out from there in anger.

Cabir and Abhi looked at each other. Abhi also started walking away from there in anger but Cabir somehow stopped him.

Cabir: Abhi, I am sorry from Manik's side. Please forgive him. He is like this only. Impulsive but you toh understand.

Abhi: It is okay, Cabir but remember next time ask him to stay in his limits. I am not tolerating this behaviour again.

Cabir: Leave all this. Now tell me what do you think about MaNan?

Abhi: Who is MaNan?

Cabir: Areyy MaNan is Manik and Nandini See Manik ka MA And Nandini ka NAN makes Manan.

Abhi: oh!

Cabir: Yes! Now tell Me. What do you think about them? Manik is having feelings for Nandini for sure but what about Nandini? Does she also feels the same?

Abhi: She feels Cabir. I have seen her these days. She keeps on stealing his glances. She thinks I won't notice but I do notice everything. And Didn't you see how peacefully she was sleeping when Manik made her lay down properly. She didn't even flinch. I know my barbie. She can't tolerate a stranger's touch in sleep and you know if it would've been my old barbie then your bestfriend wouldn't have been single till now.

Cabir: Aliya showed us the album's. I am surprised. This Nandini is quite different from that Nandini.

Abhi: Different? you don't know Cabir. She was totally opposite. My barbie! She didn't even how to get angry on someone. And hate- hate was not even in her dictionary. She was so cute, lovely and full of life. Laughing, smiling, jumping around the house was her favourite pass time job and along her she used to make everyone else laugh too. She was a package of happiness.

Abhi chuckled, remembering his barbie while Cabir looked at him amused.

Cabir: I don't know, Abhi but you know I guess I can listen about your Barbie all the day without getting tired.

Abhi looked at him with possessiveness and Cabir understanding his look face palmed

Cabir: I didn't mean it in that way. She is just like Mukti and Aliya to me. You know like a sister

Abhi: Sister?

Cabir: Yes because the way you are describing her is just the way I am. So huye na hum dono bhai behan.

He smiled widely as Abhi laughed but soon it turned into a sad smile.

Abhi: I can never see her like that again, Cabir. We will prove her innocence but I don't think I will be able to bring my old barbie back. She is gone, so far.

Cabir put his hand on his shoulder and assured him that everything will be fine. Abhi too smiled and they left to their rooms.

While Manik who had come there to apologize to Abhi was standing behind them. He had mixed feelings hearing Abhi. However, he was determined.

Manik: The old Nandini will be back Abhi. I will bring her back. I will erase all the hate and pain from her heart. I will make her remember the old Nandini. She has to be back. I have to do something. I have an Idea. Yes! That's fantastic. Let's start Manik. Mission Nandini Murty is on.

He smirked at the end, talking to himself before walking to his room. He called someone and talked for some time and then slept with a determined smile while thinking something.

Next Morning, Dining table

Everything went smoothly except Nandini's behaviour. She looked very much disturbed. Only Manik knew why she was behaving like that and he was somewhat happy that his words effected her. He came out of his thoughts hearing Nandini who by now had composed herself and was back to her stern expressions.

Nandini: So, Fab5! From tomorrow we are starting our work. I want it to be perfect. First time you are working with NHA Music Labels so keep in mind I don't like neglectance towards work. Be punctual and about songs, we are making eight songs. You have six months. I hope it is okay and Mr.Thakker is staying with us for these six months. He has already been informed about this and will be here shortly.

Fab5 looked at each other and then nodded. After that, Nandini went in her room while Fab5 too walked towards their room.

On the other hand, Abhi who had received the message from Aman about his stay at Murty Mansion, was quite happy. He was very much determined to proof her innocence.

But was it so easy?

To Be Continued.

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