Chapter One

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There are three sections in the community. The Asriah; the poor, who live at the base of the wall, The Fortum; middle class,who live a little farther out into the city, and The Humoklus; the rich and committee members, live in the center, the farthest away from the wall. The community is surrounded by huge concrete walls. Beyond the walls... well no one knows really. The walls keep the Unknown out and most importantly, keep us in.

I live in the Asriah. The poor. I live alone in my own mud hut. My family lived in the Humoklus, as my father as a committee member. I barely remember them. I lived there until I was eight. Usually that's when you start school but my parents disappeared. Gone. Poof. No more. And I was banished from the Humoklus, sent to the Asriah where I met Torres. He was a year older than me and was about 5 inches taller. I was in a ally trying to stay hidden in the shadows as night passes.

"Hey!" He had shouted.his back was turned to me. He had a little morsel of food in his hand.

"Don't be afraid," he called over his shoulder.

"I've got plenty if you'd like."

I remember being terrified and trying to make the ground swallow me whole as he glanced back at me.

"If you don't come out of those shadows, Miss, I'm afraid you might turn into on." That got me and bolted out of the corner to his side.

"Glad you made it." he handed me the food and I gulped it down in seconds. After I finished I realized he was staring at me. He had dark brown hair that was cut short and it flipped up at the front. His eyes were a bright blue and he had only one fleck of yellow in his left eye. He had a large freckle on the right side of the bridge of his nose. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled.

He looked sort of like me. I had the same dark hair, which was cut to my tail bone. But I had eyes that looked like coals. Almost black with flecks of reddish brown here and there.

"What's your name?" he asked

I looked down at my hands as I fumbled with the hem of my shirt.

"Delia." I mumbled. I said it in such a a small voice it was barely audible.

"Fine, it's okay don't tell me. even if I just gave you have my dinner whatever." He moved to get up but I stopped him. I didn't want to be alone any more.

"Delia" I said this time much louder.

"My name's Delia."

I can't remember much more but after that we never separated. He showed me his hut and explained that it was all his own. I had asked him about his family but his expression darkened and he just walked away. I figured it was a touchy subject like my parents were to me. I had nightmare of what happened to them though I don't know. I have a very actuve imagination. A blessing and a curse. When I was alone wandering the streets the nightmares were horrific. I would be afraid to sleep on fear of waking screaming and crying. But Torres said he had them too and he would calm her down when ever I had them. He woke me up every morning by hovering his face inches from mine while I slept and whispered my name until I woke up. And to this day he still does.

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