Chapter 2

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"I'm up. I'm up. I'm up."

Torres got away from my face so I could sit up.

"What time is it?" I asked. I could see it was still dark out. We had one candle burning. the light danced across Torres' face.

"Just before dawn." he said as he glanced out the window. Our home wasn't really a house. it was just one room with a window a stove and a chest to keep our 'many' belongings. Torres moved to cots in so we wouldn't have to sleep on the floor. I started to get up and get dressed.

"Eh eh eh ehhhhhhh! Where do you think your going?" he put his hand over my face and shoved me back onto my cot.

"To get dressed?" I said as I tried but failed to maneuver around his hand.



He's pranced around my cot smiling like the doof he is.

"What do you wanna do today now that your 17?" He came to a stop at the foot of my cot. His hands, which never ceased to be moving, fiddled with the edge of my blanket.

"Maybe we should forget its my birthday and go find food like every other day." I say as I finally dodge his hand and spring up from the cot.

"WHAT!" He said and he threw his arms up. I walked over to my chest to get my cloths.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT. I didn't tell you but I spent all of yesterday gathering extra food. Now are you going to choose or am I gonna?"

I glanced over.

"Turn around." I said

He turned without a second thought and I pulled off my shirt and replaced it with the new clean one. I did the same with my pants. I was now wearing a green tank top and army pants.

"K you can turn around now"

He turns and immediately starts up again.

"Remember what we did on my 17 birthday?" He asked waving his hands in huge gestures.

"No I don't but I think we can just relax here. that's would be ideal." I sit back down on my cot. Relaxing is something we are not used to.

Torres' eyes lot up like the sun that's was coming over the trees.

"What a brilliant idea Miss Delia. I shall go and make breakfast."

He stepped out of the house go get some food. He came back a moment later with an apple a granola and three slices of bacon.

"Torres!" I screamed "Where on earth did you get bacon?!" I ran over and hugged him. "I have my ways" we ate in silence because it was so good. After we sat next to each other on the cots and told stories. Now let me get this strait to you, who ever you are, me and Torres are not in a relationship. nope nada zippo. I know he doesn't feel that way. I don't feel that way. Do I? I don't know I don't know. We ate lunch. Told stories. Ate dinner. Watched the sun set. I had my head on Torres' lap and he fiddled with my hair. As I was falling into the land of unconsciencness Torres bend down, kissed my temple then said "I'm so sorry Delia"

For what?

But I was already asleep.

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