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"D.D, can you hear me?" I heard someone ask, I wanted to respond but I couldn't because I was still unconscious.

         "D.D, it's mommy sweetheart I want you to know everything about what we were talking about in the car. Daddy knows someone who can do the surgery, but we'll have to take your heart out of you and replace it will a robotic heart. It's risky, but it's our only option on keeping you alive." I could hear her trying not to cry, but she cried anyway.

          I didn't like that they had to take my heart out and replace it, because what if I might not survive? Then I heard her take a deep breath, "I still want you to know that we love you and don't want you to suffer, And I also want you to know how sorry I am for being a bad mother." I feel her resting her head on my bed and could hear her sobbing .

         Minutes later I heard the doctor come in and he told my mother it was time for surgery. She walked out into the waiting room I think, but I heard the doors open and close. "Okay, D.D. let's get you better." I heard someone say.

         The bed started to move from side to side, until it stopped moving, I could feel someone was putting things in me it hurt like crazy and yet feel good on my lungs, I could feel my chest moving up and down again. I feel someone cut open a part of me where my heart was. Then things went deaf for me, "Oh, shit we're losing her quickly put it in her before we lose her for good." I heard someone say, then I couldn't hear people anymore.

           I could see a light, it was a bright one too. "Hello?"

           "Come on D, you can do it." I heard someone say my name.

           I turn around and see doctors putting tubes in my chest and sewing it up. "Am I died?"

           I suddenly fall to the ground and blacked out. 

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