Journey to a new home.

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Ink p.o.v

I heard the crew shift ubove I wonder what there doing. Ink they are heading to that island dream says. What do you think there doing crystal asks. There probably going to find treasure geno says. Oh well maybe we should try and find a way out I say. But how blue asks. Maybe we could reach the keys on that ring overe there Dream says.  Oh crystal can't you find a spell for that blue asks. I think I know a  levitation  Spell crystal says. Then cast it I say. Ok she reaches her arm out and the keys are surrounded by a pink glow.  The keys slowly start to levitate towards us. I heard a creak coming from the hallway. Crystal hurry befor I start but could not finish my sentence befor the door swung open. The captain walked and his friends walked in. What do you think your doing he says as he raped the keys in his strings.  Who's idea was this he say in a deep tone. I didn't want my friends so I did the first thing I could think of. It was my idea i said. My friends started at me.  Ohh so it was your idea error says.  No this was my fault crystal says. I levated the keys she adds. Leave them alone dream says. Don't you dare hurt our friends blue says. Shut up error screams. I will wait until we get back to our island. Once where there i will find a punishment for all of you he says befor leave taking the keys with him. Great because of you we are all going to get it geno says. I knew it was a bad idea to try a levitation spell crystal says. No it's not your fault I say. We should not have rushed you dream says. I want to hug all of you blue says. We are all going to get are buts handed to us geno says. I didn't stay quiet for who knows how long just to have it messed up by you guys geno says.  We should not argue about anything right know I say.  Let's jus lie down and rest I say. Ok they say befor laying down. I hope I didn't get us into to much trouble.

Error p.o.v

That little brat is going to be sorry. Nightmare, cross, dust, reaper get in hear now i call. They came rushing into my office. What is it captain they ask. When we get back I want each of you to take one of the prisoners they need to learn there lesion I say. Yes captain they say. I notice that they have a slight blush on there faces. Get back to work I say. They nodded and ran off.  That shorty is going to be surprised once I get him a lone.  I walk to my bed and lie down.  There is only one thing that could go wrong. ....................... him.

??? P.o.v

Well it look like that glitch as a crush. I will make sure to use that when I set my plan into motion. I wonder what he will do if I interfere with his lover. Hahaahahahhaaahaahha. Oh error no one crosses me and survives. Hahhahahahahahhaahahhaah.








 Time skip to morning 

Error p.o.v

I woke up and went to the uppe deck of the ship. I can see our island. We are home and that means that that I get to deliver there punishment ahahhaha.  Alright let's get moving   Fell horror  unlode the ship nightmare and cross lock the prisoners in the dungeon, and the rest of you bring the treasure to the secret room. I walk into the house only to be greeted by a  annoying  Voice. ( sorry for the vioice) yo was up my radical bro. How was the rad raid. My younger brother say. It was fine I say. Yo bro it look like ya brought back  a few new  freinds he say. Yes we caught them when we burned there village I say.  Oh wow bro that's total un rade you know he say. Welp I'm gonna go for a rad walk bro laters he say. I hate him so much.  He better stay away from from my inky. Wait why do I feel like this ugth. Maybe I should get his punishment ready before I bring him to my room. Hahahahah tonight is going to be fun, for me at least. 

Ink p.o.v

I tried to pull my arms free but failed as we where dragged down a long flight of stares. Where are you talking us dream asks. To the dungeon cross says. What no let us go blue says.  Not a chance nightmare says.  We walk for a few minutes befor we all where  thrown  Into separate cells.  Now you stay hear untill the captain says other wise nightmare say befor leaving with cross. Ink what do you think that means blue asks. I don't want to know I say. I sit down near the bars and try and think of  plan.  Ink what do you think they are going to do with us Dream aks. I don't know but I don't think we want to find out I say. Hay geno do you know  where  We are I ask. No I don't but I know that what's about to happen won't end well and it's all your falt he says. Why are you blaming us I ask. Because you had to try and escape he says. So you wanted to be trapped by pirates crystal says. No  but  I know when to give up he says.  You are really getting on my nerves crystal says.  Why would you give up dream says.  Just because he says. Guys I hear foot steps blue says. What everyone step back i say. The door slowly opens  and someone steps in. Wahsup little dudes a voice says. Who are you I ask. I am fresh my raidical new  bro he says. Why are you hear blue asks. Yo I saw my bros crew bring you dudes down hear and I wanted to see wats  up with you he says.  Wait  who is your brother I ask. Oh my bro is tha captain little dude he say. Welp  I better fly on outta hear befor my he starts but was cut of by a voice. Fresh what the heck are you doing in head a  voice says.

Glitched sea pirate error x inkWhere stories live. Discover now