Bittersweet (EXTRA)

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A/N: So, this one is a bit longer than the others! I want to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH for voting my story! Arigato Gozaimasu! Anyway...This one involves kissing~ Enjoy! XD


I step calmly as I heard the cries of a girl. It was coming from the school's rooftop. Due to curiosity, I decided to check it out.

As I opened the door, I was suprised to see a sight I never imagined to see. My beautiful Princess....Crying.

I could feel my cheeks burn as I inhaled and exhaled repeatedly until I calmed down. Slowly, I approached the hurt lady.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, trying hard not to sound pathetic. She gasped as she stared at me and broke out crying again. There was something that I noticed on her face, a cut. Dripping from it was a red liquid...Blood.

I snapped.

I asked her the same question again, but this time in a deep tone. As if sensing my furious rage, she immediately told me what happened.

Her ex-boyfriend dumped her. She got mad at herself and snipped a part of her skin on her face.

Stupid, the boy was just plain stupid!

Fine then, if she doesn't want (Name), I'll steal her away. She will be mine.

I took a deep breath and edged closer to her.

I brought her chin up, facing me. I gave her a look for her to stay calm. And she did.

She gasped as I ran my toungue on her delicate face. Slowly, licking the blood on her wound. I love how obedient she is, not even fighting back.

I carefully moved my toungue to her mouth. I pressed my lips on hers. She hesitantly kissed back, tasting my lips. Her lips were sweet, and I wanted more of it. I trailed my toungue on her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth for me to enter. I explored every part of her wet cavern. Letting her taste her own blood.

I just adore the mewls she made when I pressed my toungue on hers.

Noticing her need for air, I pulled back, a trail of saliva connecting both of us.

She panted heavily while gripping on my 'Rakuzan' jacket. I embraced her tightly while whispering two words near her ear.

"You're mine."

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