Chapter 15: Day of memories

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**3rd person**

The jolt of your wake sent your mind in full blast. The memory still chills you to the bone.

You look around, your H/C hair slightly on your cheek. Then you see Garroth.

His arms still rapped protectively on your waist. His blond locks tumbled on the pillow. A loud snore is heard as you try to get up.

 Loud snore is heard as you get up and go downstairs.

Making coffee, you sit on the cold marble counter and think. 

Then a quiet buzz of a phone went of. Your phone.

Honey lavender started playing. You quickly rushed to the phone, pressing the screen to answer. You loved the song, and were proud to have it as your ring tone for a certain someone.

Bringing the phone to your ear, the voice of your beloved (B/N) came through the other side.

"Hey, stutter-manic" His voice rings, making you giggle. An old nickname from your old crush on a boy name Zane. You would always stutter, Zane would question you while your brother sent knowing glances.

"Hello, bi-guy." You shot back, earning a chuckle from him. He announced he was bisexual, being attracted to both boys and trans -gender.   You were happy he found a nice boy named Nicolais, them being together to cute for the world.

"I was wondering if you would like to spend the day together, after not talking for close to 3 months." He states, hearing a slurp on the other end, which you assume is from a drink of coffee.

"Sure! What time?" You say excitedly, your eyes lighting up.

After arranging the place and time, you hang up, happy with the results. You would go to a local outdoor coffee shop at 4:00 pm that day.

Then a thought rockets to your head. Shoot, you haven't told him about Garroth yet. He'll be in for an surprise, to say the least.

You go upstairs and enter your room, the door slightly creaking. Garroth is still asleep. His snoring is starting to get annoying.

You go to him and sit slightly on the bed. His snores are now loud as he shifts to his left, the direction away from you. 

Quickly looking on your phone to see how to stop snoring. After a Internet surf, you found a good way of stopping it.

You slightly turn and silently shake him. He stirs and goes back to facing you. You have a good idea on how to wake him. 

Leaning down, you press a kiss to his lips. The morning made his lips slightly dry, but you did not mind. He opens his eyes, a instant blush going to his face. He slowly kisses back, only to have you pull away.

"Why the early kiss, mate?" He asks groggily. Sitting up, his blond curls tumble down his face, a yawn escaping him.

"Just to let you know that I'll be out today~" You sing song, about to jump of the bed. But a pair of arms ruining your escape. 

You giggle as he pulls you into the bed and starts tickling you. Laughter bursts out of you as you try to stop the attack at your stomach. 

Laughter is heard throughout the room, and you remember to treasure moments like this with him, to keep it close to you.

Finally, you escape.Breathing heavily, you jump on Garroth, making both of you  tumble to the ground in a tangle of blankets. 

As you regain focus, you see Garroth underneath you, laughing and his eyes closed. the sun reflecting off him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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