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Third Person Objective  POV
  It was movie night in the dorm of John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton. They had started movie night about a month before, so they had gotten used to it. It was the only way to get Alex to take a break. John and Alex sat on the couch watching Moana.
  "Moana, make way, make way!" John sang. Alex looked at him and scooted closer. John blushed lightly as Alexander did this, you see Johnny boy here has been developing a crush on Alexander for sometime now.
  "You don't mind this do you?" Alex asked.
  "N-no." John cursed himself for stuttering while Alex snuggled into John their heat intertwining. Alex had also been developing a John for a while as well. Johns face had to be as red as a tomato by now. John looked down at Alex who was staring up at him. When Alexander noticed that John has noticed him, he blushed as red as John was, Alex looked back at the television. John started playing with Alex's hair absentmindedly as how far I'll go play quietly in the background, all John could  focus on was perfection of Alexander. Alex looked up again and all out of a sudden John leaned down and kissed Alex. Alex blushed and cuddled into John, falling asleep as you're welcome played. John kissed Alex's forehead before falling asleep as well.

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