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jimin pov
Soon I and Jungkook ended up in the parking lot of the mall him still holding my hand.
"Ok kitten were here let's go inside," he says as he lets go of my hand. I then sadden from the lost of contact. I unbuckle my seatbelt and Jungkook does the same. We get out the car together and he locks the door as we started to walk thru the front doors of the mall. Wow, it was huge inside. I wanna go everywhere. I then notice Jungkook looking at me with admiration in his eyes and I blush.
"Jungkookie p-please stop staring," I say as I put my head down having a deep red blush on my face. I felt his hand on my chin lifting it up. I looked into his eyes as he does the same to me. Ugh why am I feeling like this? He's so nice and kind and even sexy. I wonder how he is in bed. His cock in—-WHOA JIMIN WHAT ARE YOU THINKING. I shook the words outa my head as I and Jungkook shared a moment together. He kissed me!!!! His lips mole together with mine. I then snake my arms around his neck not caring if anyone sees and his hands go by my waist.
He pulls away and I did the same catching my breath.
"Where's do you wanna go first kitten?" He asked me and I looked around at the stores. I then saw a store that said" NIKE" really big. It looked fascinating.
"Let's go there kookie" I say as I pointed and he nodded. He connected our fingers together and we walked towards the store. The first thing I saw was a cute Nike sweater and hat. I picked it up and handed to Jungkook to let him see.
"It's very cute but I think it would look cuter if you were in it" I then blush and ran to the dressing room with the clothes trying it on.
I walk out seeing Jungkook waiting in the waiting area for me. I walked over and his mouth dropped.
"Wow, kitten you look amazing. You're definitely getting that!"
I then Blushed and hugged him tight thanking him. He stroked my cat ear thro my hat and I accidentally moaned a little. I looked up at him and he chuckled. "I'm sorry kitten" I then nod and we head to the counter to pay for it.
"Ok kitten where gonna go to other places cause you need a lot more clothes" I went to the Puma store with jungkookie getting more sweaters and hats plus shirts and pants and boxers.
It's been an hour later and I've been to so many stores. I just went on a fucking shopping spree. Jungkookie was still by my side. We laughed and talked and even snuck glances and kissed. It was perfect. We were on our way to the Jorden store to get a couple of pair of sneakers and socks by the Pandora the jewelry store.
"Kitten imma go into the jewelry store to look at something. You go to the Jorden store I'll be right back" he said and I nodded on my way to the store. I then found four pairs of sneakers and socks I wanted and waited for jungkookie. 10 minutes he came back with nothing and I looked at him confused.
"Kookie what did you buy"
"Nothing. There wasn't anything there I wanted"
I then nodded and he looked at the boxes of sneakers I wanted and socks.
"Is that all kitten?" He asked and I nodded clinging to his hips. He looked at me surprised. I was surprised as well but I didn't think of it too much. He paid for the sneakers and headed out of the mall towards the car. I began to breathe heavy.
"Kitten were almost to the car are you ok?" He asked concerned.
"Yea just t-tired I guess"
We made it to the car and he unlocked it and I got in while he put the bags in the trunk. He got In the car with a confused look.
"W-what's wrong kookie?"I asked him as he looked at me sniffing around.
"It smells sweet in here. Like vanilla or strawberry and it's getting stronger."
I then leaned towards me and sniffed me. Oh no.
"It's you. It's your heat kitten" I looked at him with lust in my eyes he started the car driving home.

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