Directioners love story - Harry Styles Fanfic

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Chapter One (Note: I know some of the stuff Harry does is not like him, but think of it as he loves her so much that hes not shy around her at all. He feels like he has known her for years (: Also, Sorry for typos, im writing this on my iPod. I will post chapter two if I get 20+ reads and some comments!)

I was spending summer vacation (three months) with my Grandma in San Francisco, California. It;s going to be really boring. I was ready to get some sun, I was pale as a ghost.

When we arrived, I hurried and put on my bathing suit. "I'm going to the beach Grandma!" I hollered down the hall. "Don't stay out too late!" she added. I ran out the door wearing my grey floral bathing suit from Hollister, with my hair in a messy bun and bright pink sunglasses. I had an over the shoulder bag with my towel and tanning lotion. My Grandma lives right off of the Pacific Ocean, so you can just walk down to the beach. I layed my towel down on the hot sand then lathered myself in tanning lotion and layed down. I started by tanning my front. I layed out 30 minutes each. I'm only sixteen years old and I hope to get my driver's license soon, but for now walking will have to do. I ran into the water. It was so refreshing. "It must be 100* out here!" I said to myself. I returned to my towel for another hour or so of tanning. I had just started to doze off when I heard some girls screaming, "WOOOOO AHHHHH OH MY GOSHH!" "What is going?" I thought. I packed up my stuff, got up, and starting walking towards the screams. There I saw a huge group of teenage girls. There must be at least 70-100 people. They formed a circle. "I wonder who's in the middle?" I thought as I started to push through the girls. "Hey! Quit shoving brat!" one girl said as she pushed me. I landed in the middle of the crowd. "Man these girls are vicious, now to see who's in the midd..." I stopped as I saw a hand in front of me reaching to help me up. I looked up and saw a handsome boy about my age, maybe a little older. He had brown curly hair and eyes as green and sparkling as emeralds.

"Hello dear." he said. This made the girls scream even louder. "H-hi." I managed to squeak out. "Can I ask what is all this fuss about?" everyone got quiet then one girl screamed out "SHE MUST BE A DUMB ASS!" I looked down at the ground. The boy must of saw I was upset because she said, "Now that's enough of that girls." I looked up. "Leave me and the beautiful girl alone." he winked at me. "Wait... w-what?" I muttered to him. The circle opened and he pointed his hand towards the opening. "After you my lady." he said making me feel like a princess. His voice was so pure. Every word he said seduced me more. He linked his arm into mine. His skin was so soft and perfect.

"Hold on!" I said without even thinking. "I don't even know you!" I said as soon as we were alone. "Are you from around here?" he asked me. "No, I'm from Australia." I answered. "I knew you had an accent. What a lovely accent you have." Oh no, who is this boy. Is he flirting with me? No, he's not. I don't know him and I don't like him, that's for sure. "Let me introduce myself." He interrupted my thoughts. "My name is Harry Edward Styles, from the band One Direction!" There's that voice, so pure and seductive. "I'm Cassandra, but my friends call me Cassy or Cass." for some reason I felt shy. I looked down and noticed that our arms were still linked together. I quickly pulled away.

"What's One Direction?" I said wiping the sand off of my bathing suit. Harry started to laugh. "What? Was it something I said?" I asked feeling embarrassed. "You don't know One Direction?" He said as he took out his phone and started showing me pictures of him and the band. "They look familiar." I said. "Maybe if you sing to me it will jog my memory." I added. Just then I heard screams again. He quickly grabbed my hand our fingers intertwined. "Come with me Cass." he said pulling me up the beach. He led me towards a small lighthouse type of thing. "Get In! Hurry before they see us!" "Up you go! He said motioning towards the winding staircase. I stepped hurriedly up the stairs until I saw the light. "Where are we?" I asked. "My secret hideout." He said chuckling. At the top of the lighthouse was some couches, a small kitchen, and a television. He shut the door that leads to the stairs and locked it. "There, now they can't get in." He keeps mentioning "They." "Who's they?" I asked. "The fans, the paparazzi." Now what is he talking about? Fans? Paparazzi? They must be big here. I thought. "So... Nice place." I muttered. "Thanks. But back to what you were saying on the beach. You want me to sing to you?" He asked. "Umm... Sure" I said looking around trying to get used to my surroundings. He turned on some background music. I wasn't even paying attention until i heard him start singing: Forever young, I will not be, forever young. Do you really want to live forever, or never? His voice was amazing. I found myself staring into those deep green eyes for the rest of the song. "That was amazing!" I shouted. Before I knew it i was jumping up to hug him. I pushed myself away quickly. "Um soo. Where's the rest of the band? How come you were at the beach by yourself?" "They stayed back, said they wanted to have a lazy day. How can you have a lazy day in California?" He said laughing at himself I giggled along. "Oh my. Where are my manners. Can i get you anything to drink?" he asked me. "Um no thank you." I said trying to be as polite as possible. "Whatever you say dear." "Wait dear?" "Why did you call me dear?" "Oh sorry, I call everyone that." He replied. The he jumped over the back of the couch and landed, but bounced off and spilled his drink all over. I couldn't help but giggle. "Here, let my help." I said running to the kitchen to get some paper towels. I started to dab at the spots where he spilled his drink. "T-thank you." He said. He was stuttering. "Oh, no problem." I said. I looked up at him and our eyes met. We leaned in towards each other and he closed his eyes. He was trying to kiss me! I couldn't believe it! We only knew each other for a couple of hours!

"Wait!" I said. His eyes sprung open. "I'm uh, still in my bathing suit." He chuckled. "Here." He said as he took his shirt off and handed it to me. "Oh no I..." "Save it." He said. "I have more in the closet." he shuffled through the closet. "Can I ask you something?" I spoke up. "Go for it." he said. "Why... Do you have four nipples?" I said as we both began to laugh. "I think of it as part of my uniqueness" He said. I started to giggle. "Oh, and one more thing..." I said. "Sure." he replied, still looking throgh the closet. "Why did you bring me here? I saw all the other fans, why didn't you bring one of them?" I asked. "There's something special about you Cassy, I just can't put my finger on it just yet." He answered. Oh no, I'm falling for him. No I can't. No. He's famous, he's too busy for me. Just then my phone rang. My Grandma was calling.

"When are you coming home honey?" she asked. "Any time you want Grandma." I answered. "Well while you were changing into your bathing suit, I slipped $50 into your bag. Why don't you go spend it on a bite to eat and a new California outfit?" she added. "Oh Grandma! I can't take that!" "I won't take no for an answer!" she said sternly. "But Grandma I.." "Gotta go now sweetie goodbye." She said hanging up the phone.

"Are you staying with your Grandma?" Harry asked. I jumped. I nearly forgot where I was. "Oh yeah, and she gave me some money to go grab a bite and get a new outfit. Wanna come?" I was hoping he would say yes for some reason. "As long as you let me buy the food!" he said as he washed the cup he spilt in the sink. "Well I..." I started to say. "NO'S ARE NOT ALOUD!" he announced loudly. We both laughed at this as he led me down the stairs.

"Let's go to the boardwalk." he said. "I'm glad you know your place around here." I said which was right, I would've been lost by now. "Me too." Harry said jokingly. We grabbed a bite to eat at a place that served fish and chips. "Thank you for buying this." I said as we waited for our food. "You're welcome, It's the least I can do for someone as beautiful as you." He said as he ran his fingers through his hair. I blushed. "Thank you for that too." Our meal arrived and I couldn't wait, I was starving. Then I realized something, and I accidentally thought out loud. "Is this a date?" I said. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hand. "Only if you want it to be dear." He said as we both laughed.

The waitress addressed our table, "How's everything doing? Here's your bill." Leave it to her to save me before the awkwardness ate me alive. "Good, thank you." I said as Harry grabbed the bill off of the table. I smiled at him, I don't know why. Maybe it was just the way his hair fell or the way his eyes sparkled. Or maybe it was the way he ate while sticking his tongue out. I laughed so hard at that and he laughed along also. "Don't go pointing out my flaws Cassy." he said waving his finger at me. He is so silly, I thought.

"Well let's go shopping, shall we?" He said interrupting my thoughts again. "This way." He said leading me towards a dress shop. They had beautiful sun dresses. I bought one that was teal with a floral print and a thick white belt wrapped around the waist. I thought it would make my blue eyes and blonde hair stand out. I payed for the dress and as we exited the store I noticed a small shoe store. "How about we take a look at the shoes? I said to Harry. He grabbed my hand and led me towards the store. There I bought some cream sandals with a small I finished taking them off, I looked up and Harry was standing there with heels. "How about these ones?" He said jokingly, they were a horrific shade of yellow and the heels were atleast 10 inches high. I laughed and shook my head.

I looked at my phone. It was 8:00 already. "Well I should get going back." I said to Harry. "I'll walk you back." he said. He was such a polite boy. As we reached the house I turned to face Harry. "Thank you for today Harry, I had a wonderful time." "Anytime, buy let's make sure we do it again. Are you busy tomorrow?" he asked me. "Well no but how will I..." "Here's my number." He said while handing me a piece of paper with his number written. "Thanks, I'll call you tomorrow." I ran inside to show my grandma what I bought then hurried up to my room to turn in for the night.

I couldn't stop thinking about Harry and all the fun we had. I fell asleep with him on my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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