Chapter 13

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Itachi’s PoV

Kisame walked into the house calmly and looked around.  It had taken us two six days to make it back to the house. 

“She’s not here!”  Kisame complained as his head fell slightly.  I walked in and closed the door.

“She must be at work.”  I thought.  She worked from the afternoon to midnight, usually.  It was eleven. 

“Let’s go surprise her at her work!”  Kisame said as he placed down his sword. 

“Sure.”  I said as we transformed at the same time.  We walked to the restaurant slowly.  Kisame was about to run there a few times. 

“Table for two?”  The hostess asked as she smiled at us. 

“We were just looking for a friend.”  I said as I scanned the room. 

“Oh, a waitress?”  She asked with a fake smile. 

“Yeah, Svelpia, is she here?”  Kisame jumped in.  The hostess frowned and walked over to a waitress.  She whispered something to her and pointed at us. 

“I two looking for Svel?”  The waitress asked as she walked over to us. 

“Yes, it’s kind of urgent.”  Kisame frowned down at the waitress. 

“I didn’t hear it from me, but I heard that she went home with Henry.”  She whispered.  Kisame’s jaw fell to the floor.

“Who is this Henry guy?”  I asked calmly. 

“Henry is the chief, but he had been hitting on her for a while, I guess she finally gave in.”  The waitress shrugged. 

“And where does he live?”  Kisame asked.  The waitress looked him up and down, but when she didn’t see anything wrong with him, she leaned in closer. 

“Third floor, 3 of Fell Street.”  She whispered.  The building was less than a block away.  We thanked the waitress and walked to the building.  The building only had one residence, Henry.  Kisame broke down the door gladly. 

“Woah, this place is a complete mess.”  Kisame said as I walked into the building.  Everything was scorched.  A flight of stairs was barely visible.  Kisame ran up them and I followed.  The door to his apartment was intact, but wide open. Pictures of Svel where posted all over the walls.  “Hey Itachi, I don’t have a good feeling about this.”  Kisame said as he grabbed onto a picture and looked at it closely. 

“This isn't helping.”  I said as I walked into what looked like the bedroom.  None of the walls were burned.  A head band from the Hidden Village of the Mist was just lying out on the bed. 

“What’s that?”  Kisame asked as I walked back into the main room with the head band in my hand. 

“Bad news.”  I said as I showed it to him. 

“Always wanted to visit again.”  He said as he shifted his sword. 

“Looks like you’ll get my chance.”  I said as I threw the head band. 

Svelpia’s PoV



“Come on, say one thing out loud.”  Dakota murmured softly to me. 

I glared at him.  He had been trying to get me to talk for over a day.  My stomach growled, the last meal that I had had was at the restaurant.  The three day trip didn’t help, nor did being forced to talk for over a day.  My throat felt like a desert, and I still had my hands tied to my chest. 

Deep gashes on my wrist reminded me of when I had tried to escape.  Dakota caught onto my wrists and burned them.  Since then, I haven’t had a chance to heal them with Dakota probing my mind and trying to make me talk.  I yawned, getting his hopes up. 

“I'm not going to leave ‘til you talk.”  He said.  He hadn’t shown a trace of being tired.  Someone banged at the door.  Dakota flicked his hand at the door, making it catch on fire. 

“Would you stop, you need to eat.”  The old man called from the door.

“No, she’s starting to wear down!”  Dakota yelled back at the door.  The fire went out.  Dakota seemed more hostile and fierce than I last remember.  Sure, mom and dad hated him, but he was always nice to me.  The old man walked in with his mask on.  He had a tray of food. 

“At least eat in here.”  He said as he placed the food in front of Dakota.  Dakota smirked at me as the man walked out of the room.  He picked up one of the apples and bit into it.  My stomach growled louder.  I looked down at the ground and shut my eyes.  “Come on, I know you’re hungry.”  He swallowed the bit of apple and placed the apple down.  The scent of the food was heavenly.  I finally snapped.  Fire flared around my feet.  I whipped my feet around me, breaking the chair and chains that held me.  Dakota jumped back in time to avoid the attack.  “Is that how you’re going to be?”  He asked as he threw the tray of food against the wall. 

I glared at him.  He lunged at me with his fist poised to punch.  I grabbed his fist easily and threw him against the wall like he had done to the food.  Shadow kunai began to appear around me.  Dakota stood up slowly and barely dodged one of the kunai. 

“Is everything okay in here?”  The old man asked as he poked his head into the room.  A shadow kunai flew towards him.  He gasped and slammed the door.  The kunai pulled up at the last moment and instead flew towards Dakota. 

“Calm down, Svel.”  Dakota yelled at me. 

He dodged the kunai.  My stomach growled again.  Balls of fire flew towards my head.  The kunai hit the fire, and when they collided, the fire exploded.  The whole room was on fire at this point.  I shied away from the heat.  Finally, I found the door and tackled it down.  The old man pulled out his katana and pointed it at my back, ready to strike. 

“That’s not necessary.”  Dakota said calmly from the room.  The smoke stopped coming from the door.  I rolled over onto my back and glared at him.  The old man put away his katana and stepped back.  Dakota grabbed onto my shoulder and pulled me up easily.  “That’ll do.”  He patted my back. 



Yay!  I’m getting back to posting these chapters because they really don’t take that much time to edit and such. 

So this story has like 22 chapters total.  Needless to say, there’s still a bit to this story!

If you guys didn’t know, I am working on another Itachi love story.  It’ll be in the style of Beauty of Rage as opposed to these chapters that have short sentences and short chapters.  My current plan with it is to go in chronological order for the most part so that it’s easier to watch the relationship between the main girl and Itachi as opposed to them just being in love when the series starts. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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