10. I Need You Back

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Melissa’s P.O.V

“Zayn had an accident” Eleanor said with tears in her eyes. 

“What?” I said in shock, not able to comprehend. Did she say Zayn had an accident? No that can’t be true. It just can’t. I refuse to believe it. Zayn couldn’t have an accident. I had just seen him a few hours ago and he was fine.

“It’s ok they took him to a hospital I’m sure he’ll be fine” Eleanor said in a soothing tone.

“What the hell are you saying El?” I shouted.

“I’m sorry Mel but he was too drunk” She said sadly.

Now I knew this definitely couldn’t be true. I mean everyone knew that Zayn rarely drank. He couldn’t just get drunk and have an accident. It was too much to take.

“Eleanor Zayn doesn’t drink” I said coldly. What was wrong with these people? This was a really bad joke.

“Yes sweetie but I guess he did tonight after what happened with Simon…” She said, looking at Louis helplessly.

“Listen Melissa we’re going to see him right now, do you want to come with us?” Louis said, getting up.

Of course I wanted to come so I could show all of them that Zayn was completely fine. The ‘accident’ was nothing. He probably had a small scratch or something; these people were overreacting big time. My brain told me this but then why was my heart sinking? Why was I getting a really bad feeling inside? Oh how much I wanted Zayn next to me right now. I needed to see him, to make sure he was alright. To prove all of them wrong.

“Let’s go he must be wondering where we are” I said, desperate to see him.

We arrived at the hospital and Liam went to the front desk. Through out I kept praying that my Zayn was fine. If anything serious happened to him, it would be my fault. 

“We came to visit one of your patients, Zayn Malik?” He said. 

“Ok come with me sir” She said. We all followed her down a flight of stairs and through another corridor. Where is she taking us, I thought. Hospitals always made me feel depressed. Finally she stopped in front of a set of double-doors. I looked at the label to see which room it was and my heart almost stopped. It was the Intensive Care Unit, the ICU. What the hell were we doing over here? Zayn couldn’t be in this room. This was for really sick patients. Zayn couldn’t be so badly hurt. My heart was thudding. The nurse went inside, telling us to wait outside. Those few minutes fell like years. Finally she came back. I hoped against hope that she would say that we had come to the wrong room and that Zayn wasn’t here. 

“Only two patients at a time” She said instead, looking at all of us.

Everyone looked at me. “I’ll go with you Mel, if you want” Liam said, trying to comfort me. I nodded.

“Don’t worry he’s going to be fine” Eleanor said, giving my shoulder a squeeze.

I walked inside. It was the most depressing thing I’d ever seen. All around the room were patients on beds, with terrible injuries. What was Zayn doing among them? He didn’t belong here.

“You must be here to see Zayn Malik?” A man who seemed to be a doctor asked me. I nodded again. My head was spinning. 

“He’s at the bed right at the end” He said, walking towards it. I couldn’t move. I was filled with dread about what I would see. Liam saw me like this. He took my hand and led me towards the bed at the end. 

I found myself looking at someone who was heavily wrapped in bandages and had an oxygen mask around his mouth, so his face was obscured. There were wires connected to his body, which literally seemed broken and shattered.

“Who is this? I thought we came to visit Zayn?” I said. One thing I knew for sure was that this couldn’t be Zayn. I saw the doctor looking at me sympathetically, as if he was used to this. 

“That is Zayn. It’s really fortunate that he was brought here in time or we would have lost him” He said. I was about to argue when my eyes fell on the person’s arm. There it was, a black and white tattoo, prominently displayed. That tattoo which Zayn had. In that moment I finally realized that this really was my boyfriend, lying there so lifeless. This was my Zayn who looked so broken and fragile. I collapsed onto the chair beside him as the tears began flowing. Before I knew it, I was shaking with sobs as I realized just how badly he was hurt. All because of me. If I hadn’t come into his life, this would never have happened. He was going through all this pain because of me. The thing with Simon would never have happened and Zayn would be fine and healthy. I hated myself more than I hated Simon. This boy who was always so full of life and who wanted to be forever young was lying on this cold hospital bed, struggling for life. The only person who had always been there for me, had loved me unconditionally was no longer with me. I couldn’t manage to carry on my life without him again. Losing him once had been hard enough but I was not going to lose him again.

“When is he going to wake up? He’s sleeping right?” I whispered.

“We’re not sure about that” He said, looking down at his feet.

“W-what d-do you mean?” I said, my voice trembling.

“He seems to be in some type of coma and we think he’s going to be unconscious for at least two weeks” The doctor said, looking at me with pity.


The doctor didn’t seem angry at my outburst. Liam took my hand and tried to take me out of the ICU.

“Damn it, leave me Liam, I can’t leave Zayn in this place” I told him angrily.

“We can’t help Melissa, let the doctors do their work, Zayn will be fine” Liam said.

“No he won’t Liam, l-l-look at him” I said, as I started sobbing again at the sight of him. After a lot of persuasion, Liam finally got me out. When the others saw me in this state, they looked at Liam, who looked like he was about to cry himself. Eleanor put a firm arm around me and started taking me towards the exit. I didn’t have the energy to fight anymore. Something inside me had died. Until Zayn was in a coma, I would never be fine. I didn’t want him, I needed him. He gave me a reason to live when I felt like there was no hope at all and now he was the one struggling against death. I wish I had had that accident instead of him. He was truly an angel, he didn’t deserve that. Please God, please make my Zayn okay. Please give him back to me. 

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