You're Quirkless, Izuku Midoriya

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Third Person's P.O.V

Midoriya Izuku was only 4 years old when he heard the dreaded news.

He didn't have a quirk, because he didn't have another joint in his pinky toe.

When the doctors told his mother the news, and his mother relayed the message to him, he was heartbroken.

"You're quirkless, Izuku Midoriya."

I'll never be a hero like All Might, he thought to himself.

He walked home with his mother, Inko Midoriya, he admired nature, the beauty of everything, heard everything, yet he couldn't find it in himself to speak. He didn't even open his mouth to let out a single sound.

He walked along the road, seeing families walking with each other while their children ate icecream, some slowly dripping on the pavement, leaving a white residue, allowing the insects to go and eat it. He noticed the birds flying in the air, chirping, swooping down on people, taking some of their French fries, while some other birds were being fed bread. He noticed the people riding in their cars and their motorcycles. He noticed the posters of the heroes being hung around, which only brought his spirit down even more.

Soon, it began raining. At first, the rain was slow, slowly hitting the pavement, making a peaceful patter. Izuku loves the rain, so it wasn't really a bother, but his mother tugged him along before it would start pouring. He silently followed behind, he couldn't object anyways.

They soon arrived home. Inko Midoriya went to go run Midoriya his bath water. So Midoriya went into the living and turned the T.V. on. All Might was on, it showed he had beat a villain. The police were restraining the villain while All Might gave a brief speech, showing his huge smile.

Inko Midoriya stood in the doorway watching her son watching All Might, tears filling his beautiful green eyes. Inko walked into the room.

"Izuku?" She said while tears also filled her eyes, at the heart breaking sight her of only son losing his hope because he doesn't have a quirk.

Midoriya silently turned around, tears streaming down his face, making his face glisten while the T.V. screen reflected on his face.

A crack of lightening filled the sky as they both stayed in the same position, tears now streaming down both of their faces.

Midoriya pointed back at the scream, not muttering a single word, more tears, rapidly falling down his face.

"Izuku" Inko Midoriya cried out, her voice cracking while she said so. She quickly ran towards Midoriya, wrapping her around him, falling onto the ground in front of him.

"Izuku. I'm so sorry" she said as she wept on the floor, tear drops rolling off her face, hitting their hardwood floor. Izuku remained silent, tears rolling down his face, hitting the top of his mothers head as they both sat and wept in each other's arms.

This, was the third breaking point for Izuku Midoriya.

The first being his father going away.

The second being his disability.

He's mute.

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