Chapter 4: Thinking About the Past and Future

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The first part of this chapter gives detail about Trent and Gwen's past; the second is about what they think of their future.


-Setting: Trent's apartment; at 9:35 AM on Saturday-

It was around 9:35 AM in the morning when Gwen and Trent were woken up by a phone call from Bridgette.

Gwen picked up her cell phone.

"Gwen, you didn't come back to our apartment last night. Where were you?" Bridgette asked Gwen through her phone.

"I'm still at Trent's apartment. I was staying with him overnight, but I forgot to let you know; I'm sorry." Gwen replied to her.

"I'll be back this afternoon."

"You had me worried for a little while, but I am glad you're okay." Bridgette said to Gwen.

"Try not to forget next time, alright?"

"Alright." Gwen confirmed.

The girls ended their call.


From the moment she hung up her phone, Gwen realized she and Trent had overslept a bit.

"Trent, it's past 9:30 in the morning; but luckily Bridgette woke us up." Gwen said to him.

"I'm glad she did; even though it's Saturday." Trent replied.

"It seems so." Gwen said again.

"We should probably start the day now."

"I'm with you there." Trent agreed.

The two quickly got out of bed, dressed, cleaned up, ate breakfast, and got back to work.


-Scene where the couple reflects back on their memories-

***Flashback Scene***

"Ever since we got back together it feels like I regained touch with reality." Trent said.

"I remembered about your old obsession with the number nine and how you used to stress out on small things." Gwen told him.

"I know." Trent replied to her.

"I'm glad we put that situation aside years ago." Gwen said.

"If I hadn't told the truth about my lucky number we wouldn't have resolved the problem that affected our relationship." Trent said again.

"I hated how Duncan tricked me into thinking your lucky number 9 had to do with our names put together. But now I know it was about a gift your grandfather gave you." Gwen told Trent.

"That gift was one of my most treasured possessions because it brings back good memories." Trent told her.


"Do you still have my lucky necklace; the one I gave you with the blender pendant?" Gwen asked Trent.

"I sure do." Trent replied.

"At first I felt like I wanted the necklace back when I broke up with you 6 and a half years ago, but now I understand that accessories and money are worth nothing in comparison to people you love." Gwen confessed.

"Because of this, we valued each other more than some stupid prize money."

"I concur." Trent said to her.

"We should keep the necklace as a symbol of our strengthened relationship." Gwen considered.

***Flashback Ends***


-12:00 PM-

Gwen was getting ready to head back to her apartment after spending the night with her boyfriend/fiancé.

"I think Bridgette has been waiting for me to return and I should probably get back to my apartment." Gwen said.

"I'll see you later."

"Okay. I will see you tomorrow." Trent replied.


-Scene at Gwen's apartment; around 12:15 PM-

Gwen returned to her apartment sometime in the afternoon.

"Hi Gwen. Welcome back." Bridgette greeted her roommate.

"How was your date with Trent?" she asked Gwen.

"It was long, but I had a great time." Gwen replied to her.

"That sounded sweet." Bridgette complimented.

Bridgette seemed curious about why Gwen stayed overnight with Trent without letting her know.

"Hey Gwen, I hope it's not too personal; but I want to know why you didn't come back last evening." Bridgette questioned.

Gwen looked a bit speechless; she knew it would be difficult to hide, or she had no choice but to spill her secret.

"About the night yesterday..." Gwen said with part of her sentence cut off.

"I- I can't hide it." she thought to herself.

"The thing is..., Trent and I had sex last night." Gwen admitted.

She then broke down and started crying a bit.

"It's okay." Bridgette told her.

"I once did it with Geoff, and he and I are still fine."

"That's not the problem." Gwen told Bridgette.

"We didn't use a condom and what if the other former contestants and my parents find out about this?"

"We should keep this a secret between Trent and ourselves for now and later think of a solution." Bridgette suggested.

"Okay. Thank you." Gwen replied feeling relieved.


-Back at Trent's apartment-

Trent was wondering about what would happen between him and Gwen.

"We did it last night, but how will things turn out if she does end up carrying my child?" Trent thought to himself.

"How will my parents react and what will happen to us?"

"I guess it will be our secret for now."


The story ends here, but I have a sequel coming up. Be free to read my next story when I post it.

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