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" Alex stop!" Face flushed. Heart racing. Beads of tears flying of from the wind crashing into his face. Alex ignored him. His hand held his red cheek. Eyes were clouded with hate. The voice who belonged to his other brother continued to run and call after him. "Alex your heading straight to the volcano!" Alex couldn't hear his warning. Alex ran faster. He had made a mistake. I know when I'm unwanted! I wanna die! Alex suddenly stopped. He was at the mouth of the volcano. S-should I jump? Or should I go? The thoughts still rushing in his sad suicidal mind. He turned around. "I'm not gonna jump! I'm gonna sta-" his brother not paying attention crashed into Alex causing him to fly over the edge. "YOU IDIOT!" Alex held on to the edge as tight as he could. I'm really gonna die aren't I? Heh well I don't really have a choice... Alex let go and allowed his self to plunge downward in the fiery pits of the volcano. "ALEX! ALEX NO!" It was too late. Alex........was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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