Part 15

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{Candace Mason}

"By the way my name is Jacob Perez." He said once I was seated in his car.

"My name is Candace Mason." I said.

"Oh okay." He said focusing on the road.

"Why were you so desperate to give me a ride?" I asked him.

"Because I wanted to be nice for a change." He said.

I told him my address and he continued with his driving.

"Why are you not a nice person?" I asked him.

"I am I just do bad things." He said.

"What kind of bad things?" I asked him.

"Are you almost done asking me all these damn questions?" He said sarcastically.

"Nope I'm almost done. What kind of bad things do you do?" I asked him.

He turned his head away from the road for a second to give me a questionable look.

I know I'm being a little nosy but I can't help that I want to know about the person that is driving me home.

"I sell drugs and sometimes I hurt people." He said.

When he said that I didn't know what to think. I mean I'm not allowed to judge him I don't know him personally. Maybe he was doing it for a good cause.

"Why do you do it?" I asked him.

"To keep my mother and little brothers off the street." He said paying attention to the road.

See he had a good reason to do what he do so I give him props for that.

"Well I respect that. You have to do what you have to do." I said.

We were at a red light so he could look at me. He gave me a surprised look.

"Wow." He said.

"What?" I asked him.

"No one has ever accepted what I do for a living not even my mom. Even though I was taking care of my mom and my brothers with the money my mom has never accepted it." He said going back to the road.

"Well as long as you're doing it for something good and is willing to quit that it's okay." I said.

I could have sworn I saw him smile and then his face turned back into the plain look.

"We're here." He said stopping the car in front of my house.

I looked over at him to see him already staring at me.

"Um you should call me." I said writing my number down on a piece of paper and Handing it to him.

"I will." He said putting the piece of paper into his pocket.

"Thanks for the ride." I said getting out.

"Anytime." He said.

He watched me as I made my way towards my house and getting into my house safely.

I still have the image of his face in my head.

He was so cute 😍😍 I hope he calls me. ✔️

My phone started vibrating. Somebody was calling me.

Aye maybe Jacob decided to call me early.

I looked at my phone to see Janet calling me.

I sighed and answered my phone.

"Candace." Janet said on the other end of the phone..

"Yes Janet?" I asked her.

"Can we meet at the Waffle House around 7?" She asked me.

"Sure wassup?" I asked her.

"I'll let you know when I meet you and Tiara there." She said.

"Okay see ya in a hour." I said.

"Bye." She said.

"Bye." I said hanging up.

I wonder what Janet has to tell us...


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