Meet The Kids!

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Jamison Fawkes walked next to his best friend, Mako Rutledge, into the doors of Overwatch Kindergarten, a single classroom schoolhouse run by Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morrison. The teachers didn't know it yet, but two little terrors had just entered their already chaotic school.

"Alright children, come sit down for circle time!" Jack called his students to the colorful rug with numbers on each circle. "I call number one!" Screeched Hana song, a young 4 year old Korean girl with brown hair and a pink shirt with a bunny on it. She flung herself onto the number one circle, guarding it with her life. "Lúcio coming at ya!" Lucio dos Santos ran over and plopped down next to Hana. "Wanna see my froggy?" He pulled a frog out of his pocket. "Eeek!" Mei-Ling Zhou, a timid 5 year old girl, sat over on spot number 3. "Yucky froggy! Get em, snowball!" She threw her stuffed robot towards Lúcio. "Hey, no throwing stuffs!" 5 year old Jesse Mcree exclaimed as he sat down on spot number 4. "My mommy says in Russia, stuff throws you!" Exclaimed 4 year old Zarya as she crawled next to Jesse and sat on spot number 5. "Jamison Fawkes the first, and Mako Rutledge the other first, are the kings of you all! Now bring us cookies!" Jamison shouted as he dragged the quiet Mako over to spots 6 and 7. "Alright you kids, settle down!" Jack Morison exclaimed. "Welcome to Kindergarten. I, as well as my assistant Mr. Reyes, will be your teachers. Your principal is Mr. Torbjörn. We also have a school nurse, Mrs. Ziegler. Now let's go around the room and tell each other about ourselves." Jack pointed to Hana. "Let's start with you and go all around the circle. Since your sitting on number one, you can go first."

Hana stood up on her spot. "My name is Hana song. I'm 4 years old and I love playing video games and eating chips and soda!!" She plopped herself back down. The other kids looked amazed. Lúcio stood up. "My name is Lucio De Santos and I'm 5! Someday I'm gonna be a DJ and play music for everyone to dance to! And my best friend is froggy!" He held out his pet frog who wriggled in his hands. "That's very nice, Lucio, but please keep froggy in his tank." Jack told him. "Okay. It's time for froggys nap anyway." Lucio said as he placed his frog into its small tank. Mei then stood up. "I'm Mei-Ling Zhou. I'm 5. I like my stuffy snowball." She then sat back down quietly. Jesse stood up. "Howdy everybody! I'm Jesse mcree and someday I'm gonna grow up to be a real cowboy!" Jesse cheered. Then Zarya stood up. "My name is Zarya. Full name is Zaryanova, but call me Zarya, I barely say full name. I'm from Russia, but mommy moved here to give me education." Zarya spoke in some broken English. Then it was Jamison's turn. "I'm Jamison Fawkes the first, but call me Jamie! I love to play with my best friend Mako and play with fireworks, and someday I'm gonna be a demolition person worker! And I love to run around and eat cookies and-" Jack cleared his throat. "Thank you Jamie. That will be all. Now let's give Mako a chance." Jamie sat down with a grumpy face. He hated when grown ups told him what to do. He was 5 now! He didn't need to listen to people! Mako stood up and quietly looked around. "I'm mako Rutledge. I'm 5 1/2. Jamison's my best friend." And he sat back down. "Mako doesn't talk much, but when he does, he's really nice!" Jamie exclaimed matter of factly. "Alright kids. Now let's start by learning the alphabet song!"

As Jack taught the kids the song, he looked at all the students he had in the room. Currently there was only 6, but he was sure more were to come. And the group he had now was more than enough energy wise for him. This, he thought to himself, was going to be a long year.

Hope you guys like this new story so far. I'll still be working on little boy junkrat as well!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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