One Shots Songs/Fandoms

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I can't believe I ever left thinking that Bella would be okay. I had to talk to the Volturi to make sure everything would be fine but I regret it more than anything in the world. I can't believe Jacob is so damn slow. He could've saved her if he wasn't in Canada doing god knows what. It turns out that although Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee he was still very much in love with Bella. He hid it so well I didn't even see it coming. Sam Uley was so infuriated with Jacob's constant conversation about Bella and the fact that Jacob could never have her; he let his temper get the best of him. While Bella was outside watching our baby play, Sam snook up on Bella. He tried to talk to her into maybe allowing Jacob to interact with Bella in a rather inappropriate way and of course, she flipped out. Bella yelled at Sam to the point where he changed into a wolf and engaged in a fight with Bella. I know my Bella kicked his ass but unfortunately, she didn't win. Bella was killed that night by Sam Uley. It's been 10 years and I will never forget the day for the rest of my life.

Now a lot of people question as to why I am alive today, that is because of my beautiful daughter Renesmee. Believe me, I wanted to attempt suicide many times but I just couldn't do that to my daughter. I know Bella wouldn't want Renesmee to be left alone. My life isn't completely terrible though. I've met a girl almost as amazing as Bella, her name is Bianca and she adores my Renesmee. There is a slight problem with Bia, she has a thing for Jacob and he has a thing for her too (what a shocker). Jacob can't pick his own women he is only interested in mine. Speaking of the devil....

"Hey Edward, how's Nessie and Bianca?", Jacob asked with a smirk.

"You would want to know, well for your information Bia hasn't gotten back to me. If you want to know how Nessie is maybe you should spend time with her for a change."

"I know, I know I've just been busy being leader of the pack and all. I've also been getiing my head cleared from this shitty life without her."

"Oh don't you tell me how your life has been shitty without her. Every breath I had was for Bella, she was the other half of my soul. I didn't think I would even survive until I met Bia, and you destroyed that too. If being leader of the pack takes so much time on your hands, maybe you should've let.."

"Who? We killed Sam, good riddance ,Seth is just a kid whether he likes it or not, and I'm sure as hell not letting Leah take over."

My phone begins to ring and I'm pretty sure it's Bianca since I've been keeping track of her thoughts. "Hello, is this Bia?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I haven't reached you but I've been in Paris trying to figure out where I picture myself in ten years and I don't know whether I should howl or bite." God I love her but she makes the stupidest jokes. "Well, I'm kind of getting sick and tired of this and I need an answer, you know how difficult my life has been lately. I have to go. Call me when you are more mature."

"Geez, that was harsh dude, was that Bianca?" Emmett asked as he walked in the living room. "You can read minds too?" Jacob remarked. "Nah man, but I do know that my bro Ed here is wasting his time with this chick, and you are too." Emmet stormed out of the room, I hope he isn't angry with me.

* Emmett's Pov

"Bella, I don''t know where you are or what you're doing but I miss the hell out of you. I don't like what's become of Edward he's chasing this idiotic girl who probably barely graduated high school. I can tell all he's doing is trying to fill a void, and he wants a mother figure for Renesmee. It's weird how he met this girl while he was in Italy and you were here battling for your life. I don't blame him for wanting to find love again, but this just isn't love. I can tell he isn't happy at all and I know Renesmee doesn't really like her even if she won't admit it." I can't help but sob as I have pain for my beautiful neice and my brave brother. "Bella, just please, he thinks she's good for him but she's not. If you can send him a sign of some sort, that she isn't the one, do it.

Edward's POV

"Well Jacob, can you go watch Renesmee I'm going to take a walk."

"Sure thing, and by the way, after Bianca chooses I hope we can still be friends."

"Jacob, you may be taking away my second shot at love, you will not be any friend of mine." I walk out into the forest and I head to Bella and I's place. The meadow was a sort of save haven for us and the love we shared there felt absolutely amazing. Ever since our first trip to the meadow, this has been my favorite place in the world. I come here once in a while to remember her and her beauty. I even have a memorial set up for her with her favorite things and a plaque of her name. I stare at the plaque that reads,Isabella Marie Cullen : The best wife, mother, and daughter anyone could ask for. May she be forever in our hearts.
I never thought a part of my soul would be taken with this beautiful girl I met in science class. Then, the most miraculous thing happened, right in front of my own eyes I saw once again the most gorgeous creature I had ever laid eyes on. "Isabella?"

"Hello, Edward, it's been so long I'm glad I got to see you even if it's in this way."

"Where have you been all my life?"

"I wish I could stay with you , I miss you all so much but I was sent by Emmett, he is very worried about you. This woman, she isn't for you. I want you to find love again but you have found the most terrible girl for you. You shouldn't be with someone who can't decide whether they want to be with you or not. No one will ever love you as much as I do , but you can find someone who has a heart of gold and can be a wonderful mother. I love you so much Edward, and I can't wait to see you again."

From that day forward I knew what my life was supposed to be. I told Jacob he can have Bia and I hope they have a happy life together. But he realized that the only woman he needed in his life was Renesmee so he declined. There is only one person for me and that is my wife Bella Cullen, I go to that meadow eveyday now and talk to her hours upon end and sometimes I can hear her speak back to me.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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