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taehyung, aged 17 :: yoongi, aged 16
third person perspective

taehyung walked up to yoongi's front door, a large box in his arms. before knocking, he quickly peaked inside the box, checking if his present was still okay. he knocked on the door and stepped back to wait for his boyfriend to open it. instead, the door was opened by yoongi's mother who had greeted the young boy with a smile, ushering him inside.

"can i take a little peak inside?" she asked as she knew what it already was since taehyung had talked to her about it a couple of days prior.

taehyung nodded, watching mrs min open the lid and coo at the present. "yoongi is going to love it! go on up, he's in his room," she told him excitedly.

"thanks," taehyung smiled before carefully walking up the stairs. he walked into yoongi's room as the door was already open and placed the box onto his bed. all of a sudden, he felt arms wrap around his waist. yoongi buried his face into the older's back, inhaling his soft scent before mumbling, "i missed you."

taehyung turned around and hugged the younger properly, kissing the top of his head. "i missed you too baby,"

"what's inside t- the box?" yoongi questioned.

"it's a surprise for you so come sit down," taehyung said, pulling the boy onto his lap as he sat on the bed. "open it,"

yoongi took off the lid of the box, his eyes widening at the sight of his new puppy. tears of happiness began to well up in his eyes as he reached out to pick it up.

"o- oh my god, y- you got me a puppy!" he cried out in joy, "thank you s- so much, i love it. i love y- you!"

"you're welcome baby, i'm glad you like your present. it's a boy so what you going to call it?" taehyung asked with a loving smile on his face as he watched his boyfriend cuddle his new pet,

"hmm.. i'll call him h- holly!" yoongi decided before whispering a "hello holly" to the puppy.

taehyung let out a chuckle, "holly it is then." he gently moved yoongi off his lap so he could give the two more space. he stood up and picked up the box, placing it on the floor. taehyung took out the other things he had brought for the dog, showing them to yoongi.

"i got holly some food, a collar and lead and a couple of small toys. i figured he'd just sleep with you but we can buy some more stuff if you want," taehyung explained as he placed the toys in front of holly.

yoongi stood up and tightly hugged his boyfriend, going on his tippy toes to give him a loving kiss. "thank you, thank you," he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around taehyung's neck. "i love y- you so much, this is amazing!"

taehyung gave yoongi his signature box smile and cupped his cheeks, leaning down to kiss him once again. he deepened the kiss, his arms snaking their way around his waist. he gently rubbed the boy's waist as yoongi's hands tangled into his hair.

all of a sudden, holly let out a bark, causing the pair to separate from each other. the small dog growled at the older boy as if he was trying to stop him from touching his new owner.

"it's okay holly, hyungie is nice," yoongi said as he stroked holly's head to calm him down. holly immediately melted into his owner's warm touch, nuzzling his head into yoongi small hand.

yoongi picked up the small pup and kissed him on the head, cradling him in his arms. "aish you're so cute," yoongi cooed as he continued to stroke the soft fur.

"wow, i just got cockblocked by a dog," taehyung muttered to himself as he watched yoongi give his full attention and affection to holly.

"huh?" yoongi mumbled, looking at his boyfriend, puzzled.

"oh nothing, i'm gonna lie down now," taehyung said as he crawled into yoongi's bed. he laid down, his back facing the wall so he could still see yoongi.

the younger boy nodded before joining taehyung in bed, putting holly in the middle so he could lie down as well. he shuffled closer to taehyung, slightly sandwiching the puppy between them but not so much that it would suffocate him. taehyung draped his arm over yoongi's waist and looked at the small boy who was looking back at him.

"it's almost as if we're a f- family," yoongi whispered, his face turning red at the thought.

taehyung looked at holly who was now peacefully sleeping. he turned his gaze back to yoongi and smiled, "yeah it is."

"i love you, my yoonie bear," taehyung whispered as he stared into yoongi's eyes.

"i love you too my h- hyungie," yoongi leaned in towards the older before kissing him sweetly. it was only a short kiss but yet it was filled with so much love.

the pair eventually fell asleep with their new pup, holly, in between them as he held cuddled each other.

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