Chapter Notes: Ch. 45 - Welcome Back, Lucia!

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I adore Lucia. My two favourite characters in the Blood Magic saga hands down are Keel and Lucia. Surprised?

Okay, I feel like this statement needs an aside - I have a complicated relationship with Mills, largely because writing in the first-person I have to live in her head with her, both when she makes good decisions and bad ones, when she does things I agree with and when she does things I don't. Six years into writing this series I know Mills almost as intimately as I know myself and I'm critical of her in the same ways I'm critical of me. But Keel and Lucia still get to be a bit mysterious, a bit outside for all the ways Mills is inside my skull.

Okay, now back on topic, careful readers may have noticed and remembered Keel and Lucia's casual obsession with each other. And of course, the end of It Happened at the Drive-In marks the first time they ever speak (or at least the first time she knows she's talking to him). Keel will relay some of that conversation to Mills in the coming chapter but, I'm curious, what do you think is said between them and who will walk away with the upper hand here?

The fact that I can even ask that question speaks to why I love Lucia so much. She's the blunt friend we wish we all had (sometimes). She gets to say things to Mills that I, author lady, would like to say to Mills, and usually gets away with it. At some point I want to write some Lucia spin-off stories. Maybe not novels, but novellas and shorts. I've been playing with one for a few years now, which will likely be the first out of the gate. That's why I put that bit in this chapter about Lucia and working for ghosts. The Lucia stories will all be about her and ghost world.

We haven't gotten much of a chance to peer into that part of the paranormal yet, something a reader reminded me about a few weeks back when they asked if it was possible that any ghosts were lurking around during the tomb scene - and my short answer was "yes, ghosts can be pretty much anywhere." Here we get explicit confirmation of that. Ghosts are everywhere; the world's greatest broken telephone information super highway.

And thank god for them I suppose, and for Lucia's tough talk. Someone needed to say it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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