
763 43 24

12:15 am

Hwiyoung is now online.

Hwiyoung: Hello?

Hwiyoung: Is anybody here? 😅

Taeyang is now online.

Taeyang: Hey Hwi! 😊

Hwiyoung: Oh hi hyung 😄

Taeyang: Why are you still awake?

Hwiyoung: I can't sleep 😔

Taeyang: Drink some milk then.

Taeyang: It'll help u fall asleep 😉

Hwiyoung: I already drink two cartons.

Taeyang: 😨😨😨

Hwiyoung: Just kiddin' 😆✌

Hwiyoung: But srsly I already drink milk.

Hwiyoung: But it was no use 😔

Taeyang: Maybe you're thinking of something or someone that's why.

Hwiyoung: Well... yeah I do always think of someone lately.

Taeyang: Jinjja? Mind to tell me who?

Hwiyoung: You

Taeyang: Ehh?

Hwiyoung: I mean you? why are you still awake?

Taeyang: Ohh... I just finished practicing and I just got home 😊

Hwiyoung: Whoa~ you're really hardworking.

Taeyang: Not really 😅 I just want to make everything perfect.

Hwiyoung: I'm envious.

Taeyang: You can also be hardworking if you want to tho' 😂

Hwiyoung: But I'm too lazy.

Taeyang: Well that's the problem 😅

Hwiyoung: Hehe

Hwiyoung: Are you going to sleep now hyung?

Taeyang: Nope. Not yet. I'm still not sleepy.

Hwiyoung: So, is it okay if we talk for a while?

Taeyang: Sure. No prob 👌👍😊

Taeyang: What are we going to talk about?

Hwiyoung: Hmmm... tell me about urself.

Taeyang: About me?

Hwiyoung: Yes 😊

Taeyang: What do you want to know about me?

Hwiyoung: Do you have a girlfriend?

Taeyang: No. 😊

Hwiyoung: How about... boyfriend?

Taeyang: Hahaha! No.

Hwiyoung: Wae?

Taeyang: 'Wae?'?!

Hwiyoung: I mean why don't you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Taeyang: Lol srsly?

Hwiyoung: It's okay if you don't wanna answer.. gnyt hyung

Taeyang: I'm waiting for someone.

Hwiyoung: Ne?!

Hwiyoung: Who?

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