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They belonged together.

She had done everything that she could possibly do to be with her sister. She had patiently waited and knocked on her door every single day for the length of thirteen years, had chased her up to the North Mountain against the raging winter storm that chilled her down to her bone for the safety of her older sister, had sacrificed her life by turning into a solid block of ice so that she could be safe from the blade of the sword swung at her, she had even let go of the one man that had accompanied her and helped her in her quest to search for Elsa.

And all of her hard work had paid off the way she had always wanted.

Elsa was hers to have; to spend their days together the way they had did when they were children, happy with the world for them to explore together, to be at each other's side whenever and wherever, to skate over the smooth ice that the Queen could conjure in a matter of seconds, to enjoy the sweetness of the chocolate that had always been their favorite dessert to indulge as they laughed and bonded and just being... them.

It all ended when he had come back into the picture.

The person both sisters had thought to never see again, the ex-fiancé that had taught her of the bitterness of trust and love toward people other than her sister, the one man that had taught her of how foolish her innocence could be and how she should not have been so naïve.

It was no surprise that she had disagreed with his return to Arendelle, had wished for nothing but to have him shipped back to the Southern Isles where his family was supposed to deal with his case, for after everything he had done, to be shackled was a luxury given to him.

Yet Elsa had been so kind-hearted, so forgiving, that she had granted the one thing he had asked of her. To be given a second chance to prove himself that he had been a changed man. When addressed with the subject of how much of a scoundrel he was, the Queen had simply put her hand against her sister's cheek with a soft smile.

Oh Anna, doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? Despite everything I have done, I was still granted one. Wouldn't it be selfish if I do not do the same?

It would not, Anna knew this; she wished to object to her sister's belief. Because Elsa didn't mean to freeze their kingdom, she was afraid; it had been the Princess' fault that she had unleashed her power back at her coronation. What Hans did was purely out of his own desire, because he was being selfish, and that was a different case altogether.

But it was Elsa who wore the crown, it was she who has the title Queen, and her decision was the only one that mattered.

He was trouble the second his boots had met with Arendelle's port.

Because although subtle, and painfully slow, she had seen with her own two eyes on how Elsa was falling for him.

Her warnings for her sister to not fall for his sob story of his family and how poorly they had treated him, to not let herself be enchanted by his charms and wits, for her to not let her guard slipped whenever Hans had displayed himself as what he had claimed to be, a changed man –Anna had scoffed at that; all had been rendered useless. Because the Queen of Arendelle had found love in the one man that Anna had despised with every inch of herself, the one man that had once attempted to end their lives simply for the title of King and Arendelle's savior.

Yet she had put on her best smile as she embraced her sister, cladded in the beautiful white dress that once belonged to their mother, one that fitted so perfectly on her as she had decided to wear it for her wedding day.

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